Chapter 2

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There is something about waking up with a searing pain in your ass and a pounding in your head that makes mornings worthwhile. Or rather, not at all. 

Marshall groaned groggily and slowly sat up, wincing. His entire body ached everywhere from head to toe. He cracked his eyes open and looked at the person lying next to him and suddenly the memories of the night before hit him like a ton of bricks. Skin pressed against skin. Hot breath panting against the back of his neck. Smooth hands all over his body. Probably the best fuck of his life. And it was with another man. After getting drunk in a hotel bar.  

His head began to swim and before he could even wrap his head around this entire situation complete he felt his stomach lurch fast and he nearly jumped out of bed and ran towards the bathroom before violently spilling his guts in the toilet. Marshall couldn't remember ever being this hangover. Not even during his college escapades and that was saying a lot. When he finally managed to empty his stomach a hesitant voice asked him, "Are you alright?" 

Patrick stood leaning against the doorway of the bathroom, his arms folded across his chest and a worried look across his face. He had managed to slip on his boxers despite there no longer being a need for modesty. His blond hair was disheveled and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.  

The brunette rolled his eyes and stood up. "Yeah. 'M fine." He muttered before rinsing his mouth out in the sink. "And I think you should go." And, with that, he brushed past him back into the main part of the room before feeling Patrick's hand on his arm. He was looking at him with mixed emotions on his face. 

"Wait a minute. About last night--." 

Marshall rolled his eyes. He honestly just wanted to forget this whole entire thing ever happen. It was a mistake and that was it. Definitely a one time that he wanted nothing more than to bury with the rest of the skeletons in his closet. "What about it? We were just two guys, having a drink. No big deal." He straightened up and started to get dressed before he was late for check out. 

Patrick made a face. "I think it was a lot more than that, Marshall." His voice held a soft tone to it that didn't register with the other Marshall. All that matter was that he was getting irritated now. "I don't give a damn what you think it was. I said get the fuck out." The tone he used was harsh. Honestly Marshall never spoke like that to anyone, but there was always a first time for everything and this was it. 

The blond man's eyes widened and his mouth opened before he set it into a thin hard line. "Alright then." He picked the rest of his clothes of the floor and headed towards the door. "I had a good time with you last night, Marshall." As he left, those words floated the air. 


It had been two weeks since his romp in the sheets with Patrick and honestly Marshall's life had gone from calm to fucking hell. The sales department had quickly become debunk as the sales strategies they had been presenting turned up to be terrible ideas. Then again, they could go back to the drawing board and start over. But right now they didn't even have a board to draw on. Talk had been floating around that they would end up having to merge with the marketing department and half of them would lose their jobs if something didn't get fixed. Of course, just to add to this lovely weight on his shoulders, Anna had been giving him hell since he got back. Complaining about how she wants kids and how he never has time for her and he was always "work, work, work". Well excuse him for actually trying to keep his fucking job. 

"Hey Marshall." Derek was leaning over into his cubicle. "Did you hear the news?" 

Marhsall's eyes shot up from the stack of papers on his desk and he raised an eyebrow at his friend. "What news?" He asked, folding his arms over his chest. 

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