Chapter 6

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“Y’know what, I feel like you deserve an award…” Michelle announced as she shifted through the drawers in her boss’s office. Patrick paid the dark-skinned woman no mind and continued to click away at his computer, looking at various charts and graphs. “For what exactly?” He asked finally, his curiosity over where she was going overpowering his will to ignore her.

She rolled her brown eyes and closed the drawer she was looking in. “For not jumping the guy’s bones. It seems so out of character for you that you didn’t. I mean there are only like, two reasons you have people come over. Business or pleasure. And you don’t bring your work home with you a lot.”

“Michelle I am not as big of a horn dog as you think.” Patrick said, giving her a scowl when she gave him a skeptical look. “Besides I just had him help me compose a letter that I sent to Schwartz. He’s good at that sort of thing.”

“I’m sure he’s good at a lot of other things to.”

The blond blinked. “And I’m supposed to be the nympho here. All right."

"I was making a joke. Anyways. Jared Gardner from higher ups office called. Says they were happy to receive your letter. Apparently, the guy who used to have your job, what's his face, never bothered sending any information so they never considered working with Quartz Co at all. I scheduled a dinner meeting for you, the head of a marketing over there, and a rep from the bosses office and you can talk about things from there. "She spoke so nonchalantly it almost seemed like she was talking about the weather and not perhaps Patrick's first real success as a department head.

“When did you become such a people person?  I didn't even know you contacted them."

It dawned on him that he hadn’t exactly told Michelle that this ‘guy’ she was so delighted to tease him about worked just outside his office nor did he tell her exactly why he had been at his apartment. And he didn’t plan on elaborating any more than that either. Michelle was a good friend and was open with him quite a bit, but if he told her that the guy he was pinning after worked for him, she would have a fit.

“Well, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, ‘Chelle.” He replied, turning back to his computer screen.

The woman gave a snort before rolling her eyes. “Oh so secretive, eh? Whatever. I’m taking lunch. Call me if you need anything. And by that I mean, please don’t interrupt me.” She gave Patrick a serious face before smiling and leaving the room, effectively leaving the blond to himself. Or rather, his work and his thoughts.

Drumming his fingers on his desk, he glanced at his office phone. Shaking his head he continued to click away at his computer.


Watching the clock had become a normal part of Marshall’s daily routine ever since he could remember. Every few minutes he’d look up to figure out just how much time he had left of the day for pencil pushing and paper shuffling. Grabbing a mint from the metal tin, he unwrapped it from it’s clear paper, popped it into his mouth and began sucking on it.

"Mr. Evans"

The familiar voice startled him and the mint slipped down his throat just before he could gasp in surprise. He choked out a cough before swallowing the white candy as it burned a wintery pain down his throat. Patrick looked more than amused. Marshall, not so much.

“Yes, Mr. Blackwell?” The brunet asked, his voice slightly raspy considering he almost lost his life to a penny candy.

Patrick drummed his fingers over on the top of the other man’s cubicle. “Well, I wanted to thank you personally for helping me out the other night.”

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