Chapter 15

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“You shouldn’t have a kid to save your marriage. It does not work like that.” He told her. His own mother had him just for the sake of giving his father a son but at the end of the day they ended up getting a divorce and now both of them were bitter, lonely, and old. What he promised never to let himself be. "Marshall won't feel the same way about this as you do."

Anne rung her hands together. "You don't know that." He could change. He was warming up to the idea. The reality. He was going to want this and care about she would. "You don't know him like I do, Patrick."

Yes he did. Very well actually. "I'm sleeping with Marshall." Patrick said just as Anne turned toward the oven. She froze and whipped her head around so fast he was sure she'd get whiplash. He didn't wait for her response before continuing. "Since soon after we started working together."

For a moment she thought that she didn't hear correctly. There must have been some kind of mistake. She backed away from him slowly, her eyebrows knitting together. He could tell that the wheels were taking Her expression was unreadable but there was something brewing in her eyes that made him feel slightly on guard.

He ran a hand through his blond hair and sighed. "I know you think this baby is going to save your marriage, but it isn't. No matter how much you want it to. It just doesn't... Life doesn't work that way. Marshall doesn't want a kid. And he's not even sure he still wants you." Everything he said up to his last sentence was true. But, he didn't know if Marshall did want to stay with Anne. He didn't know if Marshall wanted to really be with him either.

Anne balled her hands up in to fist and started to shake. Not violently. But enough to where he could see her wavering on the line between breaking down and lashing out. She looked at him and there was such a fire in her blue eyes that he wanted to look away. She schooled her features and looked him dead in the eye. "Why are you telling me all of this?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.

He opened his mouth to say something but no sound would come out.

But...he did know why was telling her all of this.

He needed things to move faster. He didn't want to wait until this baby was born. Until Marshall decided what to do about their little arrangement. He just need everything to fall to pieces so he could figure out where exactly they lie. And if that meant going behind Marshall's back and telling Anne everything-- well not everything. Enough--then so be it.

If it meant he potentially mucked up any chances Marshall had to salvage his marriage. So fucking be it.

"Marshall isn't even..."

Patrick sighed and rolled his eyes. "You think that but," His lips twitched. He could almost smile.

Anne remained silent for a moment before taking a deep breath.  "Well." She smoothed the front of her cooking apron down.  "I think it's time for you to leave. "

As Patrick pulled out of the Evans's driveway he felt his phone buzz. He whipped it out and saw Marshall's name on the screen above a string of texts.

'Why the hell is Victor transferred to HR?'

'Why aren't you here today? Is this why?'

'Answer your damn phone asshole.'

'You know what? Fuck you, man.'

Patrick stared at the screen for longer than it took him to read the message. With a final exhale he turned his phone off and headed home.

It started to rain.


It's short. Dreadfully, disgustingly short. But in my defense I just started college and because I'm in a writing program I'm going to be writing essays and papers all week and then WHAM Orientation after. I'm nervous as hell cause this college shiz ain't no joke. Wish me luck so maybe I'll be able to squeeze some time out of these busy two weeks adjusting to this fish out of water feeling and finish this for you guys.

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