Sweet child o' mine / Axl rose

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It's been 2 weeks since you left Axl. 2 weeks since you've felt the most tired and drained. 2 weeks since you haven't seen your friends or family, all you wanted to do was drown in your tears as you cried the hardest you've cried. 2 weeks since you lost your bestfriend.

You found out 2 weeks ago that Axl started drugs again. He started heroin again. Again. He promised you he would stop. He promised.

You couldn't be with him. Not in that position. It pained you to see him in the statement he was in. Always angry, always tired, never wanting to do anything but go out and sleep.

You guys were always arguing. He was never home.

You felt heartbroken. You felt like nothing would get better. You felt like Axl was gone.

"Shit" I say as I get up from the nasty motel bed i've been at for about 5 days before leaving that fucked up bus stop bench. I've been planning on going to my parents house. I left Axl because i felt it would be best for both of us. I was wrong. Oh how i've missed him, i miss him so much, more then that. A lot. Fuck that. More than a lot.

I walk to the shitty bathroom, counters filled with disgusting yellow stains and the rusty drain to the sink had that weird metal smell. Disgusting. I fucking hated everything. I just wanted to go back home to Axl, i wanted to be back in his arms.

I took a shower. i pack my clothes back into the duffle bag and hop in my car as i thought about going back to lafayette. My childhood hometown. Where i met Axl. I hesitated. I couldn't.

I sobbed in my car as i thought about Axl. I wanted to go back to him so bad. Too bad. I missed him with everything in me.

Axl's Pov :
I haven't felt this depressed before. Never in my 24 years of life have i felt like this. I felt like i lost my whole life. I felt like a whole part of me was gone. I felt like i lost myself. I couldn't believe myself. I couldn't believe i went back to drugs. I mean i hated them. I have no idea what the actual fuck went on in my head. I grab the bags of heroin and throw them in the trash. I take the white powder and credit card from the table and throw that in the trash as well. It's been 2 god damn weeks. I've lost my bestfriend. I lost her. I lost y/n. "Fuck!" I yell as i push a vase near by hearing it break onto the floor. I turn around to sit on the couch as i see a picture of y/n on the wall smiling. I feel my heart sink as i run over to it grabbing it off the wall holding it in my hands and i cry, "I miss you! Can't you see that i miss you? I need you s-so-so bad! I want you back baby! I can't do this alone. Ive lost you" i say as i sob hugging the frame to my chest. Stupid fucker. Fucked up bastard. Stupid motherfucker. I repeat to myself as i put my face into my hands as i sit on the couch trying to process this. I couldn't believe it. I actually lost her.
"Fuck" i say again i begin to sob even harder. "I need you baby i really do i miss you so much. I fucking love you so much" i say sobbing looking down at the now broken frame of her. The person that i'm so deeply in love with is now gone. I cry as i repeat her name. I couldn't process this. i needed her back.

Back to your pov :
I'm going back. I don't care i am going back! I can't do this. I miss him. I need him and he needs me.

I walk into the door completely heartbroken.

There's Axl. A mess. I feel tears form in my eyes as i look at the view of Axl sobbing and broken glass and stuff all over the place.

"Oh axl" i say as i run to him

I jump into his chest as i breathe in his scent. I missed that. I sob into his chest as i say sorry multiple times "i'm so sorry Axl i'm so so sorry".

"Shh baby no no no, i'm so fucking sorry. I promised i would stop with the drugs. I fucking promised. I failed. I'm so sorry" Axl said as he sobbed and ran his fingers through my hair rubbing my back.

"I missed you so much" i said now looking into his eyes. His eyes. They had a lot of pain in them. Still didn't change how beautiful they were. His hair had a teased look to it. Probably from not brushing it.

"Oh y/n my love I stopped myself multiple times from grabbing my gun and putting it to my head. I couldn't do that. Especially because of you. I've never felt so torn apart and lonely. It made me realize how much i really needed you. If it weren't for you i probably wouldn't be here. Please don't leave me again. please. please. please. never again baby" he said as he had tears dripping down his cheeks.

"Axl baby. I will never ever leave you again. ever" i said as i whipped his tears caressing his cheek.

We smile at each other as we go in for a kiss.

How i missed those soft lips.

We broke the kiss as we smiled to each other.

"How about we clean up and get you cleaned up and go to sleep cause i'm so fucking exhausted" i giggle as i twirl my finger around his hair.

"I'd like that" he smiled pecking my lips.

As me and Axl get done cleaning up we take a shower. I couldn't be happier that i went back. I know it wasn't the best decision but i really needed axl, we've been with each other since we were little. i loved him a lot. so much.

"babe" he says to me as we cuddle in our bed. "yes baby" i say putting my attention on him. "i promise on all my love for you i will forever quit drugs" he says while his arm is wrapped around my neck and my arms are wrapped around his waist. I smile at him as i peck his lips and wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest. He moves his arms up and wraps them around my waist as he kisses my head.

"You know i would never trade meeting you for the world" i say i as i lift my head up and look into his eyes. He smiles. "Neither would i. You meaning everything to me, I could never stop loving you. No matter what" he says as he kisses my forehead. "i love you" i say "and i love you more" he says as we kiss once again touching our foreheads together.

I lay my head back onto Axls chest as he wraps his arms around me. He made me feel so safe and comfortable, always. I honestly love this boy so much i couldn't even explain.

I began to doze off as i hear Axl softly say "I love you y/f/n, i love you sweet child o' mine." I smile to myself as i fall asleep.

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