rocket queen/ axl rose

745 8 14

september 3rd 1986, LA

as i walked along the street of los angeles california, i pushed my way through people. men from paparazzi followed me asking me hell of a lot questions as i ignored them now speed walking as the heels of my shoes clicked the dirty concrete of beautiful LA.

i heard middle aged men cat call me walking past, me yucking in response continuing to walk to get to the whiskey a go-go to see my good friend sebastian bach perform tonight.

i fixed my leather chocker as i glared at people with gaze smacked on their faces when i walked past them.

i felt the light summer breeze brush against my face and naked arms and legs as i looked at the pretty sky of california. the pinks, oranges, blues, and light purples filled the sky. i watched the palm trees sway.

i fluffed my big long blond teased hair randomly as i felt it was flattening from the light breeze. which in fact it wasnt.

i felt like i was a little early to arrive at the whiskey so i stopped by a cafe shop nearby. i didn't go there for anything in particular. i only went there for the bathroom. i needed to make sure i looked good anyway.

i smiled and waved as i helloed people.

i went into the bathroom looking at myself of course looking good. i'm hollywood's most famous model/singer anyway.

mirror reflected me with my big long blonde teased hair, blue green hazel like eyes, my perfect small nose, plump pink lips, and slim diamond face.

i smiled as i fixed my silky silver with sequins and spaghetti strapped dress that came to my thighs as i kicked my leg up with silver heels on as i posed in the mirror giggling.

i walked out of the bathroom stumbling a little, i brushed it off by fixing my dress continuing to walk to the door of the cafe shop.

"ma'am i just wanted to say, my little girl thinks your really beautiful" a middle aged woman says coming up to me.

i aw in response as i place my hand on my chest looking at the girl and her mom "thank you honey" i said tapping her nose lightly with my finger smiling genuinely at them both.

the little girl giggled as she covered her face with her hands as me and her mother laughed with each other at her cuteness. i gave her an autograph on her little notebook and i waved goodbye.

i continued to walk out of the cafe shop as i felt it become more breezier and the sky become a darker version of it earlier.

i walked a little more blocks until i reached the whiskey. i smiled of relief. the heels sure are something when you wear them for so long.

i looked around a little as i stood by the doors pulling out a cigarette lighting it up blowing it out feeling the vibration of the music from inside.

i looked around watching as cars drove by and breathed in the LA breeze once more before i sighed out of amusement as i caught a guy with long strawberry blond hair with piercing green eyes. his hair was teased, sun glasses on top of his head, purple leather pants, no shirt on with a cross necklace and a few bracelets on his wrists. honestly he was one of the most beautiful hottest guys i've ever seen. i eventually assumed he was a rockstar. i mean it's pretty obvious.

"likin what your seein' huh?" i say raising an eyebrow smirking.

he smirked as well "well, i'm lovin what i'm seein' if i may" he said taking a whiff of his cigarette "i think you could say the same thing about me, no?" he said blowing smoke out giving me a smirk

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