it's nothin new to me/ axl rose

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                                september 20th, 1985

i was just getting off stage performing my hit "call me" at the Whiskey-A-go-go with my band "Madonna".

i smile and wave to the crowd as they cheer us off and we head to the bar tender.

we are a typical rock band that everyone knew about in hollywood. all we wore was leather EVERYTHING. honestly. this was our first time performing at the Whiskey-A-go-go. a few more bands were playing after us. KISS, Skid row, and some other band that was new as well.

i fixed up my leather skirt as i sat down next to chelsea, my band mate.

chelsea rocky, misty monroe, luna grace, janis siousxie, and i'm nikki corvette.

we're all 20 except janis. she's 22. the "adult" of the group.

as we ordered our drinks, KISS was up next.

i had met them a couple months back. gene used to teach me guitar when we met at a studio. i also sang with paul one time at his concert. he said he loved my voice and style. after that day i felt my dreams were coming true. i met the rest of the band too. they are so cool. i like them.

"wow they're good" misty said as she winked and waved at some dude she saw walk past up.

"hey, you guys are great"

"and hot" the guy said as he kept walking.

i rolled my eyes as i continued to listen to the current band that was playing.

janis nudged me "nikki you should go up there and sing that song you sung with paul"

"yea your really good and your voice is perfect!"

"after all you are the singer of the group"

"they seemed to love your performance!"

the rest of them said as they encouraged me to go up there.

"no. i'm sure they won't even remember me" i say a bit discouraged.

i mean how could that band remember someone like me? my band is new to this and im not even that good. people say otherwise but still.

"what? how could you say that? not remember YOU? nikki corvette?" janis said as the rest of the band gave me a "are you crazy" look.

i laughed as i sighed. "guys it's fine"

KISS finished as it was Skid row next.

i know sebastian. he's a groupie from high school. we're great friends now.

chelsea has a huge crush for him.

i wouldn't blame her.

"i wanna taste him so bad" chelsea said as she rubbed red lipstick from the corner of her mouth staring daggers into sebastian.

"gross" i said.

"let's go to the bathroom. you know, just incase i missed a hair" i said taking chelsea's arm dragging her with me.

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