"It's been days! He is never gone this long!" Charlie said worryingly. She was pacing back and forth through the lobby as the rest watched her.
Niffty spoke up then "Sometimes Alastor does disappear, and he is almost always fine!"
"Almost?" Vaggie picked up on that one quick.
"Well..." Niffty looked down a bit, rubbing the back of her neck with a flash of worry coming across her features, she was the girl that rarely had another expression other than a huge smile across her face or disgust for filth.
"You know anythin' about this handsome?" Angel asked as he shifted his gaze onto the bartender, who had been very silent through the whole discussion.
Husk rolled his eyes, these mothefuckers were getting riled up for no damn reason.
"He's probably fine, sometimes he disappears cause he's simply bored, he'll come back" Husk couldn't deny however only one weird thing about this particular disappearance and that's Alastor not answering radio calls. Husk had actually tried to reach the red menace, but to no avail.
Maybe something was up...
Husk then felt eyes on him again, ah shit was he in his head again?
"Maybe you should go look for him" Charlie suggested "you two do seem close".
"Why would I go lookin for his dumbass?" Husk leaned on the bar on his elbows placing his head in his hands to stare at the 'princess of hell'.
"Cause I know you're worried about him too" Charlie answered with narrowed eyes.
A pregnant pause came between all the people in the room until Husk groaned, face palming.
"Fine! I'll go find the bastard just to prove he's fine!" Husk hissed out, Niffty and Charlie squealed with joy and rushed him, hugging him, to which Husk immediately peeled them off of him. This was way to much on his old heart.
Especially when Angel then tried to hug him as well and he sure as fuck was not about to let that happen.
It wasn't much long later Husk said his goodbyes and his threats to Angel to not touch the alcohol while he was gone or else he would cook that pig he adores as breakfast bacon.
He wouldn't, but hey, threats are threats even if they are empty.
Husk had to look around the desert type plain that surrounded the outside of the hotel, thinking hard on where Alastor would most likely be.
His home? Nah, if that was the case he would've answered the radio calls.
Fighting Vox? Nah, that be all over the radios and TVs.
...what about the forest?
Oh shit yep, that would be the first place to look.
Alastor told him only once that he went to the Dark forest to think if he ever felt conflicted, or upset, or basically any emotion that wasn't his Cheshire Cat smile facade.
However, those woods were extremely dangerous, not even executioners would go into that bad boy.
Yet, the red fucktard sure of fuck would.
Cause of course.
Husk took a deep breath in and expanded his wings, knowing damn well it be much faster to fly. With a bend of his knees and one graceful flap, he was in the air.
He would never admit it, but flying was one of the best things his body could do. He was fast and surprisingly quiet when he flew across pentagram city. The wind weaving through his fur as he rushed through the air, the coolness touching his skin.
It was honestly damn peaceful.
Too soon he arrived at the start of the dark forest, dark, leaveless trees greeted him. Nothing grew in those damn woods, not even sure there was life that inhabited it.
Husk groaned and facepalmed himself, this was so fucking stupid.
Until he looked down, his eyes widened as he concentrated on the dark maroon droplets in front of him. They were clotted and barely visible, yet, that was making Husk's fur rise.
Worst case scenario is this was Alastors blood, and he had gotten himself into quite a predicament.
Best case scenario, this was anyone else's.
....damn it, now he had to know. Curiousness overwhelmed him, drawing him in.
He had to at least make sure.
With that, he walked right into the woods, careful not to mess up any evidence that could further lead him to the goal of finding the bloods owner.
Sure enough, he found a tree, that was covered in clotted blood, a hand print very visible as if someone leaned against it for support, blood was all over the ground as well.
Well, this person is dead, or just that fucking hard to kill, the blood was leading toward the thicker trees.
This person was trying to hide.
Husk trailed for a while, the bleeding was consistent. The only odd thing was no foot prints, no other signs other than the hand on the tree.
Husk grew more uneasy as he followed the trail, he should've found something by now, either a corpse or close to one.
A hiss interrupted his thoughts, he spun around, wings flared and a growl in his throat till he was face to face with something actually familiar.
One of Al's shadows.
Husk blinked, making sure he hadn't gone fucking over the edge of insanity.
It was still there, it looked exhausted.
"Where is he pal" Husk asked softly, knowing damn well unlike Alastor, it's feelings got hurt easy.
And it would've hid if it felt even slightly threatened, especially if Al was hurt.
It flew forward before turning to look at him, it's eyes begging him to follow with urgency.
Husk trailed after him, having to almost run to keep up with the shadow minion, slippery fucker.
Until it halted, he almost tripped to stop in his tracks. A thick thorn bush was now blocking the entire makeshift path that Husk had followed the shadows minion on, and Husk raised a feathery brow at that.
"He's in that?" Husk asked, pointing at it.
The creature nodded its little head.
"Of fuckin course" Husk hissed, moving closer to the thorn bush of death. Yes, that's what he was gonna call it, thank you.
"Al?" Husk yelled into the bush, trying to look into the weaving branches. He heard...something, sounded like movement.
"It's Husk, if you're not dead let me in this...whatever the fuck this is" Husk yelled again, more movement, then the entire bush just turned to straight ashes. The ashes revealed its hidden treasure, the small deer hiding in the brush.
Alastor was curled into a ball, blood surrounding his body in a thick pool of maroon.
"SHIT" Husk darted toward Alastor and fell onto his knees ungratefully next to the deer.
"What the fuck happened?!" Husk asked as he grabbed Alastors arm to flip him over, exposing several stab wounds through his chest and stomach.
Angel spears.
DAMN IT! Husk should've known fucking better.
"I...I was as you call 'jumped'" Alastor gave out a small laugh but what came was more of a pained wheeze.
"Damn it Al! I told you to stop looking for damn trouble all the time" Husk went to work quickly to try and stop some of the bleeding, thankfully the idiot was slowly healing himself.
"I..just attract danger I believe" Alastor spoke in a low whisper, his chest moving out of rhythm, it was probably painful for him to talk.
Probably hurt to just breathe.
"Yeah, uh huh, tell it to someone who believes that" Husk mumbled, Husk measured his options, he had to get Alastor out of here and to the hotel. Even though this moron was healing, it would be beneficial to get him wrapped up and out of harms way. He should probably fly, that would be way faster and probably less painful.
On his back and for Al.
Why did Husk care? Welllllll, not only did this so called 'radio demon' hold his soul quite literally in his grasp.
He also had quite a hold on his heart too.
Yeah, this jackass wrestled his way into Husks old grumpy cat heart. Nothing to major, not a big deal, nothing to concern over.
Not like he was in love or something let's get real.
Husk wasn't convincing anyone otherwise, was he? It's why Charlie pretty much knew his ass was going to find Alastor. Shit, she knew he was fuckin worried about the asshole.
Fucking princess of lesbian bullshit! Knowing his weaknesses, how dare she.
Not the time to be mad, he had to get Al home, he could choke her later. Make her stay quiet about his stupid feelings and shit.
...and Niffty. Definitely Niffty.
"Husker, I-I think you've 'zoned out'" Al whispered, running his hand down Husk's arm.
"Whatzit...don't worry about me, let's get you home, this place gives me the fuckin creeps" Husk spoke as he slowly put his arms under Alastor and picked him up bridal style, pulling him close to his chest.
Alastor must have lost a lot of damn blood cause the fucker nuzzled his face into husk's chest.
"Al?" Husk looked down at him, hoping his heart racing could not be heard.
"Hush Husker, just let me enjoy this" Al said lowly, muffled by Husk's fur.
"Uh...whatever" Husk wasn't about to complain, nope.
With that he descended, it was turning to dark around them. The sky loosing its red tones to change for blacked ones, the air was even getting cooler, honestly more bearable for someone with a shit ton of fur!
Alastor didn't move, speak, nothing. He kept his face buried into Husk's chest and his body curled into a ball.
It kinda broke the cats heart.
Only kinda, cause let's face it, he didn't believe it was just a random jumping that happened to Al.
It was probably very much earned.
They also were, most likely, dead as fuck too.
Not long after the decent, the hotel was in sight.
Husk sighed in deep relief, Alastor wasn't heavy, honestly, Alastor kinda concerned him sometimes by how fuckin skinny he was.
Not like Husk had any room to talk but hey, can't help but worry right? Husk would actually purposely switch meals with Angel due to him starving himself to stay his 'perfect figure'.
Yet, Husk was old! His fuckin back couldn't take this shit, he needed a drink.
As he landed in front of the door, he looked down at the deer man in his arms.
Was he asleep?
"Al, jackass, we're here" Husk said, a little louder than necessary but it got a good groan out of Alastor which unwinded some anxiety that had built itself into Husk's chest.
"No, don't take me in there..I don't want them to see me like this" Alastor gripped onto Husk like his life depended on it.
"Well, what the hell do you want me to do?" Husk asked.
"Take me home" Alastor hissed out.
"AL YOU COULDNT HAVE TOLD ME THIS BEFORE I FUCKIN LANDED" Husk yelled out, yeah he was being whiny, deal with it.
"I didn't know this is where you were taking me, you said home" Alastor mumbled.
"I-" oh he did say home.
Ugh, that wasn't fair.
"Fine" Husk muttered out, this time his decent was far from graceful as he tried to rush Alastor home.
Thankfully for Husk's back, Alastor didn't live that far from the hotel.
As he landed in the yard that belonged to Alastors house, Alastor had started shaking, which was not a good sign.
"We're here" Husk decided not to involve his favorite cuss word this time. Alastor had been through enough today.
The mansion seemed to change every fucking time he showed up to this place. Sometimes it would seem tall and intimidating, with red painted on every inch of the house along with dark shrubbery that grew against the painted wood. Sometimes it would seem almost inviting, alive even.
Today it was the intimidating. The door had swung open as if it was waiting for them. Husk didn't waste time taking Alastors ass inside.
Once in, the door shut itself quietly, a fire started out of bum fuck no where in the fire place. Alastors home never ceased to amaze Husk at times. It was very 20's themed on the inside as expected, reminded Husk of his teens and early twenties.
Not good years, but whatever.
Husk laid Alastor on his couch that was in front of the massive, deer themed fire place. Alastor finally opened his eyes too look up at Husk, his eyes shining with that strange glow of red they contained.
"Thank you" Alastor whispered.
"Yeah, yeah" Husk muttered in response, he laid his paw across Alastors forehead and winced.
He was burning, yet he was shaking.
Damn it.
"Al, where are your blankets" Husk asked, Alastor waved his hand and summoned a thick red blanket into Husk's paws.
Husk laid the blanket on Alastor, tucking it around him to basically wrap him best he could in it.
"You're on bed rest" Husk said allowed, earning him a whine.
"No whining, you are fevered, and I know for a fact you can't get over infection on your own without bed rest, so your stuck" Husk then sat on the floor in front of him, looking him in the eyes.
"I hate it when you're right" Alastor growled.
"I know" Husk let a small grin slip onto his maw.
The silence after ward was peaceful, Alastor reached his hand out and placed it on Husk's cheek, scratching him right under his left ear.
Husk just simply let him.
It seemed to ease Alastor more, making him less shaky.
"You must be staying with me then?" Alastor said after a moment.
"Yes, someone's gotta make sure your ass actually stays here" Husk answered, placing his paw over Alastors hand.
"You're to kind to me" Alastor said in a lower tone, which was always stranger to Husk than the annoying show tune tone he usually possessed.
Don't get Husk wrong, that voice was much more preferred...
And kinda hot.
Yet, it was so rare when he used it sometimes Husk just thought he made up that voice for Al.
"Only to you" Husk said quietly, not wanting to shatter the small moment they were sharing.
"Oh? And not to Niffty?" Alastor laughed, before he immediately winced.
"Niffty gets a somewhat kind treatment" Husk for another strained laugh from Alastor over that one.
"Rest dumbass, you're only hurting yourself" Husk muttered, Alastor then for some reason scooted back a bit, pressing his back to the couch.
He then moved his hand away from Husk, before opening his arms up in invitation.
...he was way to smitten for this asshole.
Husk groaned before crawling his way onto the couch to lay next to Alastor, letting the deer wrap his arms around him in a tight embrace. Husk slowed wrapped his lanky arms around Al in return, not wanting to ever admit how much he enjoyed these rare cuddle sessions they shared. Alastor then nuzzled his face back into Husk's chest, poking Husk chin with his antlers.
Not like Husk was going to complain, absolutely not, not ever.
It wasn't long before Alastor finally fell asleep, Husk could tell when Al's arms lost their grip and his breathing slowed. Husk smiled at that, maybe one day he would have the balls to actually talk to Alastor about his feelings for him. Yet, for now, he was going to enjoy poking fun at him for this when he woke up.
It wasn't much later that Husk followed him into dream land, and the last thing he heard was Alastors light snores that Husk deemed cute and the warmth of the still going fire in the fire place against his back.
Hazbin hotel stories
FanfictionI wanna write some things about Hazbin cause damn it I'm too invested in this bullshit