Iwaoi-are you gonna hurt me? 🤕

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Okay this one fine be a doozie so hold on to your panties 🤓

Iwaizumi Pov 

I don't know what's wrong with me today.

Everything is just pissing me off. During morning practice I must've looked angry or i was acting different since I could feel Oikawa shooting concerned glances my way. All i did was ignore him. After practice he walked up to me.

"Hajime, are you alright? something happen?" He put his hand on my shoulder but i brushed it off. "Leave me alone," was the only thing that left my lips. He looked at me again; i could feel the concern in his eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. He turned away and walked off to first period.

We had third period together. Third period was biology and of course we were lab partners. we sat at our table and as the teacher was explaining something or other Oikawa reached over and touched my hand. I turned to him and glared. He looked hurt—or even scared. I hated when looked like that. I hate when i'm like this. I hate seeing him like this.

Despite that, I continued to glare at him until he retracted his hand and put it in his lap. I wanted so bad to reach out and hold his hand. i wanted to kiss him and tell him that I was fine; that he didn't need to worry. I wanted to hole him—i wanted to make the outside world seem nonexistent. instead i avoided his gaze and looked at the teacher.

Lunch was a nightmare. Oikawa kept on trying to ask me what was wrong. The truth was, well i didn't know. I was just in a bad mood. Everything was an inconvenience. Everything pissed me off. Except Oikawa. He was the lighthouse in this hell of a storm i was having, even if i didn't treat him that way.

Finally the end of the day. I told Oikawa not to wait for me. I just wanted to be alone. No—I didn't want to be alone; I wanted to be alone with Oikawa. But my dumbass just keeps pushing him away when I need him most. I could've walked home with him. He could've been in my arms right now. I could've been stroking his soft hair. My hand on his cheek, my arm around his waste, and my lips on his. In a perfect world that's what would've been happened. He'd be here and i would smile, and he'd be happy. We'd never have to worry.

But reality is often disappointing.

"Iwa-chan? are you in here?" I heard my door creak open. It was Oikawa.

"So what if i am?" I snarled. I was laying on my bed, my face buried in my pillow. I felt the other side of my bed duo and Oikawa's hand on my back.

"Don't touch me," I said as i sat up so his hand fell off my back.

"Hajime, I'm worried. what's wrong?" There it was again. that pained and concerned look.

"Nothings wrong. why do you have to be in my business?!" I shouted. I didn't want to yell. I don't want to fight.

"Well jeez I didn't think that me being concerned would make you so upset."

No no stop I don't want to fight.

"well maybe you should just keep to yourself!" Stop yelling. Hug him. Let him hug you. I miss him. I miss him.

"Why do you have to be such a bitch a about it?!"

"oh my god just SHUT UP!"

Oikawa jumped and looked like he was bracing for something. His eyes were closed tightly and his arms covered his face.

"Are you gonna hurt me? is it my fault? please...please don't hurt me," he spoke softly. The quiver in his voice made him sound helpless. It broke me. Seeing him so scared—making him think that i was gonna hurt him.

"I- I'm so sorry..." I whispered. I reached out to touch his hand. He flinched, but then intertwined our fingers. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Iwa- Hajime, don't cry." He reached his other hand up to my cheek and wiped away the tear.

"I'm sorry i just- I just hated seeing you so scarred and- and i'm sorry that i made you worry- i just- nothings wrong I was just mad at nothing and- oh god i missed you." I looked him straight in the eye, only to see him tearing up now.

"wha- no dont-" I was cut off by his lips making contact with mine. I put my hand on his cheek, and my arm around his waist. This is what i wanted. This is all i ever wanted. I wanted him. Every part of him. Every side of him. I wanted to pull him closer, but our chests were already touching. I could feel his heartbeat. He broke the kiss and looked at me.

"Hajime, I missed you too." He smiled. That was all i needed. That was enough. Just his smile. That true, genuine smile. The smile that i fell in love with.

The only thing i ever needed—even though i didn't realise it—was Tooru Oikawa. 

Gosh dang it I almost got to 1,000 words. For whatever reason i'm bad at getting really long word count. anyway hope you enjoyed hahah 

Word count: 895 

yk i always forget to do word counts someone remind me to fix that 


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