• Chapter 18 •

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I wake up in a dark room, and my eyes try to adjust to the darkness. A musky smell of bleach makes me gag and I struggle to get up.

But I can't.

My hands are tied to a pipe above my head.


Where the fuck am I?

I try to wriggle out of the rope tying me in place but it's too tight.

Well shit.

How did I end up in this mysterious room, and where are my clothes.

I realize with a gasp that I'm not wearing any clothes.


What so ever.

I'm fucking butt naked, and tied to a damn pole. I want answers.

Maybe someone will be able to hear me.

"HELPP!" I try to scream it as loud as possible but my throat is dry and scratchy. Resulting in a weak plea for help. Hopefully someone heard it at least.

I wait a couple of minutes and try again.

"HELP." This time it comes out stronger, but still no one comes to my rescue.

I once saw in a movie where a guy broke his hand and it got through a cuff, and he escaped. Maybe I should try that.

I'm crazy. I know.

Well here goes nothing.

My hands are already sweaty like the rest of me, that should make it a little easier.

Mentally I count down to three.




Swiftly I yank my hand down at the rope and I hear a successful pop, and red hot pain seared through my whole arm.

"Shit." I hiss between my teeth.

Fuckkkkk that hurts like a damn bitch.

I pull my useless hand through the small opening of the rope and it comes out with ease. I untie my other hand and rub my aching wrist, cradling it to my bare chest.



I stumble to a standing position and feel around for the light switch


The lights above me buzz to life and see my clothes scattered on the ground below me.

A scramble to put my assets on and soon realize someone ripped my marvel shirt right down the middle.

Grrrrrrr someone will pay for what they have done.

All I have on is a bra and skinny jeans. My jacket is no where in sight. Great. Just fucking great.

And not to mention I'm in a janitors closet. I sigh loudly and lean against the shelf.

How the fuck did I end up in here. All I remember is coming to school and talking to Ryder. After that my mind draws a blank.

I'm going to find out what happened, and whoever did this to me will be sorry.

To add to my misfortune I happened to notice in the small mirror in the janitors, a nasty bloody gash on the side of my forehead.

Blood is trickling down the side of my head and down onto my shoulder.

I need to get help now.

Yanking open the door I stumble out of the room and scream for help.

"HELP. Please... Please someone help me." I choke on some of my words and stumble, resulting in me falling to the floor.

Ungracefully if I might add.

All the kids from my high school stop mid stride from their passing period, and stare at me.

"Is that cat?"

"What happened to her."

"Cat are you okay?"

"Quick someone take her to the nurse!"

All sorts of people started talking at once and a tall slender boy from my calculus class stepped forward, and swooped me bridal style into his strong arms.

"Don't worry I'm going to take you to the nurse." He beams down at me, and his eyes are full of pity.

I despise pity.

But at this moment I am weak and can't do anything about it.

I just whimper and lay my head on his chest, while cradling my arm like a little baby.


Because I fucking broke it to escape a damn closet.

We burst through the door to the office and the secretary behind the desk jumps out of her seat with a gasp.

"What happened to her?" The secretary starts to pet my hair and I try and resist the urge to bite her.

If she is going to treat me like an animal, I am going to act like one. Plain and simple.

"I can talk you know." I snap at her and instantly feel guilty.

"Then by all means, please explain what happened." The secretary takes a step back and lets me get down from the arms that were wrapped around me.

"I don't exactly know, but I woke up tied to a pipe in the janitors closet, and I broke my hand trying to escape. My clothes weren't on me and my marvel shirt was ripped down the front." I finish with sob as I realize what must of happened...

Somebody raped me, and I have no idea who.

"Call the police, and an ambulance.... NOW!" Someone behind me yells.

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