I Hope You Die. Ch. 15

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>>>>>>>>CAT'S POV<<<<<<<<





I exhale with relief as I finished my last set of crunches. Damn those are hard. I stand up and a rush goes to my head, and I feel faint for a second or two.


Sweat clings to my very being and I enjoy every moment of it, just means I've worked hard enough.

But the smell is something else, definitely time to hit up the shower.

I grab my deep blue towel off the back of my door and head to the bathroom.

Okay so if I squeeze in one more gym session tomorrow after school, I can burn off the calories from eating the few carrot sticks I had earlier.

Sounds like a plan.

I try turning the knob to the bathroom but it's occupied.


I... I just.... I just Need a nice... cool... shower....

Man it's getting hot in here.

Resting my back against the wall, I slowly sink to the floor and let my eyes drift closed.

Maybe I'll close my eyes and rest a while... Yeah...

I hear the bathroom door open and I will my eyes to open but they won't and my mind starts to shut down.

"Cat what are you doing on the floor?" Will asks me.

"Oh god! Cat!!" I can feel Will shaking me but my eyes still won't open. I'm in some kind of trance and my body won't respond.

Will picks me up bridal style, my body going limp, and sets me in what I assume is the shower, and turns on the water, letting it cascade over my unmoving body.

I count how long it takes for me to come back.








I gasp back to reality and my eyes open with fear.

I lunge out of the tub and attack Will with a hug. I grip onto him like my life depends on it.

"Will never let me go again." I whisper to him. I could of died if it wasn't for him. Well I don't really know if I could of, but still.

Will looks down at me, tears glistening in his beautiful eyes, and he hugs me tighter.

"Never." He whispers back.

God were cheesy, but I love it.

"Come on. Tuck me into bed, I'm tired." I say to Will, breaking apart from our embrace.

"Oh all right."

After we get to my room, Will tucks me into bed and kisses my forehead.

"I love ya little sister." And with that my eyes drift closed.


*Baby you light up my world like nobody else.*

My alarm clock blares with the annoying sounds of one direction.

It's the only way I'll wake up.

Sad I know.

*The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed.*

Jesus fucking Christ make it stop.

I scramble to grab something to throw at the box playing horrendous music.

*And you don't know oh oh that's what makes you beautiful.*

Luckily my hands grasp one of my converse shoes and I chuck it at my alarm.

With my amazing aim, it hits the alarm and falls to the ground.


Ahh. Just how I like it.

Now I can drift peacefully back to sleep.

"CATERINA WEST! Get your butt up and out of bed now and get ready for school!" My mom comes crashing into my room with her stilettos clacking on the ground.

When I don't move she grabs ahold of my covers and rips them off my body.

All my warmth has evaded me.


"Don't you have to go back to hell or something, ya know the devils not gonna wait all damn day for your sorry ass." I retort back.

My mom gasps and I already know what's coming next.

She rushes to the side of my bed and lifts up on one edge, causing me to tumble to the floor.

My body curls up in a fetal position and I try to get comfortable, and continue sleeping on the floor to piss her off more.

"You are an impossible child. Why we had to have you out of all the Sperm in your father, I don't know, but I can tell you this, you are a disgrace to this family." My mom finishes her rant and all I can think is what family. I don't have a family. Whatever she thinks 'this' is, it's NOT a family.

Bull fucking shit.

"Blah fucking blah. Now get the fuck out of my room you annoying little bitch before I call the cops and tell them about your damn problems." I use the one thing against her that I know will hurt her the most.

Her problems.

And she can't do a single thing about it because she knows I'll tell the cops.

My mother just stares at me and backs out of the room. Just wait, She always has to have the last word.

As she's about to close the doors my mom says, "I never wanted you in the first place, I hope you die."

My door slams and she's gone.

See there's the last word.

Her words no longer have an affect on me, because my emotions are now kept to a minimum.

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