Go To Hell. Ch. 11

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>>><<<<CATS POV>>>><<<<


Fucking Ryder called the ambulance and now I'm in a hospital.

They're going to find out about my problems and make me eat.

I don't want to be bigger, I like being small. It makes me feel beautiful and pretty like all of those picture perfect girls in magazines.

I mean who even needs to eat.

Not me.

I push the nasty food they left for me away and swing my legs over the edge of the hospital bed.

Where the hell are my clothes?

I shouldn't even say clothes. I was still in Ryder's shirt along with my bra and panties.

Who cares.

When I find them, I pull them on as fast as I can and don't even bother with the fact that the shirt doesn't cover my butt.

When I notice that, I also notice my thighs.

God my thighs are huge. I need to go home and change into real clothes so nobody sees those.

The door creaks as I open it and it gives me away. A nurse looks straight at me with narrowed eyes. She knows what I'm about to do.

"Ma'am please return to your bed."

"Fuck you." I spit out. Turning on my heel I look for the closest exit and run.

There it is, the beautiful exit sign.

Almost there. My legs are short but I'm running as fast as I can to get away from here.


I smack face first into Ryder's chest and we both go tumbling to the ground.

"Shit Cat. What the hell are you doing?" He tries to sit up but I'm in a weird position on top of him.

Kind of straddling him while my hands are on his chest to keep him from getting up.

"Did they tell you?" I whisper.

Ryder instantly knows what I'm talking about and can't even look me In the eye. He's disgusted. I can tell.

I try to stay strong, but a small stream of tears start to run down my face and a tiny drop hits his cheek with a splash.

"Did they tell you that I'm a monster? That I'm destroying myself? That I starve myself so I can be pretty like everyone else!?" I shout at him, and he still won't look at me.

Screw him.

I push myself off him and run for the door.

"CAT wait!" Ryder frantically tries to get up and catch me but I'm already out the door.

"Go to hell!" I scream over my shoulder.

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