• Chapter 4 •

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As Alice and Valentino disappear upstairs I turn to Ashley.

"So um who was that guy I kissed? Is he a new kid at our school?" I try my best to be casual but Ashley sees right through me.

"A new crush as well for you too huh?" Ashley playfully punches my arm and laughs.

I could feel my face heating up. God I probably look like a freaking tomato. Caterina West never blushes.

"Just answer the question blondie" I shoot back trying to hide my face.

"From what I've gathered his name is Ryder Dallas and he moved to this shithole place from Florida"

I glance over at Ryder and wonder what made him move to this place. I now understand why he's so tan, I mean if you live in Florida your going to become dark.

As I'm studying his features he turns and faces my direction. His eyes blazing into mine. Oh god. He probably thinks I'm a creep now for staring at him. Awesome. And now he's coming over here.

Kill me now.

"You know staring is rude Caterina" he smiles showing me his pearly whites.

What the hell is it with people calling me by my full name tonight. Not in the least bit funny to me.

"And asking a total stranger to kiss is better? A word of advice Ryder. If you want to live through senior year then you better stop calling me Caterina. It's cat. Just cat" I fire back saltily.

"Ooo The little kitty cat has a temper I see" his smirk is enough to send me over the edge. With rage.

Not only that but there's a crowd watching our every move. He wants to put on a show? lets do this.

"You know what Boo Bear I think nows a good time to tell everyone about your ahem sex change." I give him my most innocent and charming look I could muster, and raised my eyebrows challenging him even more.

"Oooooooo Ryder"

"Seriously he had a sex change"

"To a guy or girl"


The whole crowd bursts into loud questions for Ryder and people are starting to video tape our little show down.

Damn I'm good.

"No babe I never went through with it because I realized how damn good you are in bed. You and I. We got it good. Chemistry"

And with that he reaches across the little gap and kisses me in front of everyone. The fire ignites again and I feel a burning passion that I've never felt before with any other guy.

What has Ryder Dallas done to me?

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