• Chapter 19 •

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Bright lights flash across my eyes as I lay across the doctors table. I wince as they do a rape kit on me. Just thinking about what happened to me puts me in a frenzy and I still can't believe that it's true. It's always something you hear about, but you don't think it'll ever happen to you. But when it does you just want to curl in a little ball and be left alone. And that's exactly what I wanted to do at the moment.

As soon as the thought arises the nurse says "Alright honey you're good to go home." I swiftly get on my feet and put clothes on that my brother snatched from home for me and was on my way.

As Will drove us home I couldn't help but think about it, Who it could of been, and why.

Im scared.

But also.
I'm angry.

The revenge type.

I gave my statement to the police about what I remember. Which isn't much, but what good are security cameras if you don't look at the footage. I don't know who raped me, because I didn't want to know just yet. But now I do and I pray for whoever did it, for God have mercy on their soul,

from me.

"Will, who did it?" I say in a monotone voice.

He sighs and looks at me as we pull into the driveway, "Chase."
I stare straight in disbelief because now I'm going to have to kill my ex boyfriend.

What a shame.

"Okay" I jump out of the car and head inside so I can begin my plot of chase's downfall. I can't have it relate back to me in any way.

My rooms a mess when I walk in and I'm still in shock so I clean. I'll be able to think better when my rooms clean. My thoughts will be vibrantly clear. A mastermind in the making.
It only takes about 15 minutes and my rooms in good shape. Good enough to start a list of my options.

My options:
Smothered in gasoline+ Lit on fire
Stab maybe?
Hire a hit man

I think the last option is the best. Maybe I should go to the gym, but instead of losing weight I'm going to gain in muscle. I'll be able to defend myself against anyone if it ever happens again. No more starving myself. I was probably too weak to even fight back. That makes me sick.

I going to get my shit together and make chase pay for his sins against me.


I'm snapped out of my darkening thoughts to a text from Ryder.

Ryder: I couldn't come to the hospital, I'm not family. I tried to be there for you cat, I did. I'm sorry this happened to you, you don't deserve that. And I wish I could have stopped it but I didn't know...


Cat: it's okay Ryder, don't beat yourself up about it. I got everything covered. I'll see you tomorrow

Shit. Maybe I shouldn't of said I had everything covered. It's too late now but I need to be more careful if I'm going to go through with this.

I giggle a little.

Who am I kidding I'm totally going to do this. That mother fūcker is dead.

I look at myself in the mirror and pretend to slit my own throat as I picture his face there instead of mine.




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