I am not going to give up!

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Vihaan Roy

"What the hell is this? Have I hired all of you for these blunders?" I yelled at the employees who were working on designing a royal lehenga for an add shoot.

It was a small project so I didn't meddle too much in it. But seems like everyone is hell bent on pissing me off.
"What the fuck is this? Will anybody answer me?" I growled.

"Sir, we wanted to use another material but we couldn't get it so— Someone started and I interrupted him.

"So, you chose to compromise on it? The basic policy of working under Vihaan Roy is that you never give compromised shit to your clients." I said angrily.

"Sir, we thought it was only for an add shoot so- another one started and my eyes shifted outside my cabin where Navya stood before Ranvir's table having a great chat with him while smiling. I could clearly see through the glass doors how cheerful she was today.

That smile could do wonders!

"Sir." Someone called me and I focused my attention back to them.

I just massaged my temple frustrated.
"Whatever material you need or whatever it is just talk to Ms. Agnihotri about it. She would further help you out with the project." I said dismissing them.

I just lost my anger after looking at her.

I sat on my chair and was staring at her through the glass. Ofcourse, she was unaware of it as it was transparent only from my side. She was talking about something to Ranvir animatedly and he was listening to her very attentively.

Just get in my cabin already!

Sighing, I buzzed his intercom and said,
"Stop gossiping and send her in."

He just looked horrified and said something to Navya when she rolled her eyes and picking her laptop she walked towards the cabin.
"What was the topic of discussion?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"So jealous, Mr. Roy." She said rolling her eyes and then smiled widely as she opened her laptop to show me something.

"Well, you won't believe I've got an amazing idea for the fashion show theme." She said and started searching for something in her laptop.

I walked around the table and stood behind her keeping both my hands beside her.

"This— she started but stopped abrubtly as she turned around and found me this close to her.

"You were saying." I whispered in her ear.

She was just fiddling with the laptop because she was nervous.
"Continue, Nivi." I said and she turned sideways and glared at me hard.

"You can't just— I mean—Arrghh! You're such a jerk! Remind me again why did I agree on working with you." She said rolling her eyes.

I just controlled my smile looking at her angry face. He nose was red due to anger but also her cheeks were pink due to the blush.

Ohh god!
Stop being so cute!

"So, I was saying— she started but not for once did she look at me.

"You were saying." I said this time moving a bit closer to her and my breath fanned her neck.

"Vihaan, stop with these games." She said in a low voice.

"I am not doing anything. Not even touching you." I said and she just took a deep breath.

"So, I was saying that I found this idea a better one. I mean I have more of them but this one seemed better." She started explaining me about the idea and I was looking at her rather then the idea.

"Since when did you start getting distracted while working?" She asked smirking still not looking at me.

And her words threw me off guard.

Since when did I start getting distracted while working?

I just cleared my throat and moved a bit away.
"Uhh I am sorry. I just got carried away." I said and she looked at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"That's fine. Now just have a look at it." She said pointing towards the laptop.

After a while when we were done discussing about the theme she just got up to leave and I asked,
"Where are you headed for lunch?"

She turned around shock clearly visible in her eyes and said,
"I don't know. Rishi is on a leave for a week. So, I really don't know."

I just rolled my eyes at her.
"Join me for lunch." I  said hesitantly.

"What for?" She asked raising her brows.

"What do you mean by what for? You told me that I'll have to impress you everyday for one digit of your number." I said.

"You were serious about it? I thought you would not like to waste your time on such useless things." She said and I walked towards her. Taking her laptop and keeping it on my table I held her hand and lead her out of my office.

I was walking forward with her hand in mine and she following me with a confused expression.

"Where are we going?" She asked and I entered the elevator.

"I said we are going for lunch." I said pressing the button for ground floor.

She had some mischevious glint in her eyes. She turned to me smirking and said
"You'll have to go according to me."

I just narrowed my eyes at her.
"What do you mean by that?"

"By that, i mean that I will decide the place and the mode of transportation. You still want to have lunch with me?" She asked smirking.

This little minx!
I am not going to give up.

"I still want to have lunch with you." I said and returned her smirk.

I knew she was upto something because she was smiling mischeviously with a diffrent twinkle in her eyes.

For a change I was the reason for her smile.

And I think I should not let that smile down.

"Leave my hand." She whispered while we walked out of the elevator.

"Vihaan! Leave my hand. I don't want to gain attention." She whispered and I rolled my eyes tightening my hold on her wrist and taking her towards the parking.

"Wait!" She yelled and I stopped before my car.

"I told you I am going to choose the mode of transportation." She said.

"So, we are not going by the car?" I asked and she just nodded her head in negative.

She held my wrist smiling and started dragging me outside the parking.
"Are we going to walk?" I asked confused.

She chose to ignore me and just stood there.

Maybe she was looking for a cab!

But when she gestured by her hand for an auto to stop.
I looked at her wide eyed.

She smiled looking at me and gestured me to get in.
That was the moment I knew,

She was not at all going to be easy on me!

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