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Rivers of red poured from my chest as my shaking hands shook, pressing into the seeping skin. My teeth grinding together while my eyes weped for what could have been.

I could still hear his voice in my ears, begging for a life be both know we could never have.

My legs were swallowed by the guild below, trapping me in a pit of circles. Run, hide, sleep, run, hide, sleep. It's all we have ever known.

I screamed for the misery to end and the blood to be cleaned from my sinful hands.

But there is no water in a desert. Only solitude and your own thoughts in your head reminding you of that solitude and thirst.

My nails dig into the sand, clawing for freedom. But the gore painting my fists slip's and slides, I have nothing to grip onto, nothing to grab.

I'm on my own, slipping and sliding threw the desert as I do my best to keep myself up.

I see his face in front of me, his bloodshot eyes burning into mine and he's on his knees begging. I shake my head, Covering my ears.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.

I turn so I don't have to look at him anymore but he's everywhere, even in solitude I can't escape his presence.

"Please don't leave me." He grabs my wrists, and I realise I'm not the only one covered in blood. "I can't live without you."

I rip away from him but then his hands are tangled in my hair, yanking my head back and I'm frozen to the spot.

"I will never love you, nobody will, your too broken to be loved, your a monster, A killer." The words spit out his mouth and he's looking at me like I'm the most disgusting thing he's ever seen.

I scream, jolting up. My heart pounding out my chest, I feel water on my cheeks as my blurry eyes look around and I see I'm in my room.

I run my hands threw my hair as I rest my elbows on my knees and I can still feel the blood on my hands.

My alarm clock starts to beep, I flinch and laugh at myself for my reaction. My fingers press into the snooze button and I drag my feet across the broken hard wood flooring.

The hallway is dark so I flip on the light, but the cheap bulbs blow and I'm surrounded in darkness again.

I curse under my breath as I grab a spare bulb from the drawer, taking out the old one and slipping the new one in.

I don't bother with the light switch, I cup my hands around the glass and suddenly the light switches on with ease.

I smile to myself for a moment before knocking my fist on the door across from me. I listen for her protest but nothing comes.

I knock again, letting out a sigh. "I want you dressed and at the table in 10 minutes!" I shout, I don't bother hanging around for a response.

As I'm watching the pancakes bubble I keep glancing to my watch, the time ticking away and I'm starting to loose my patience.

Once the brown pancakes are placed into the middle of the table, I lean my hands on the back of the wooden chair and listen for her padding around in her room.

"Times up, Bee!" My fingers tap on the wood, I push myself away and storm down the hall. I knock on her door again and when I don't hear anything I swing it open.

I freeze when I see her unmade bed and the wind gushing into the open window. "Blake!!" I turn, running threw the small apartment and opening what little rooms there are.

"Blake!" I scream again. I grab my phone from the counter as my trembling hands grip my hair and the ringing tune plays in my ears.

"Hey!" Her voice is like musical to my ears.

"Oh thank god, where the hell are you—"

"It's Blake! I can't come to the phone right now or I'm probably watching it ring out," My muscles tense and I can feel tears welling in my eyes "Leave a message and I'll ignore it, bye!"


"Blake James Scout, you better pick up the phone right now or I swear to god you won't see the outside world till your 80." I hang up the phone when I heard a knock at the door.

Within the blink of an eye I'm at the front door, staring down at a piece of paper. I picked it up and felt like my life had been ripped out my body when I read the word drawn on in black ink.


𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now