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My hands are pressing against her wound but the blood is pouring out and weeping onto the floor. I'm being consumed by her blood as it fills the room.

My lungs hollow as my throat is clogged and I'm drowning, I'm kicking and treading trying to reach the top.

I'm swimming and swimming but I'm not going anywhere. The pressure is building in my brain and panic starts to set it.

I scream into the vas of red but it's swallowing my words, silencing my voice and cry's for help.

My limbs fall weak and I finally give up. I let it eat me whole as I fall into the darkness and she's not there to save me.

I hit rock bottom and all I can hear is whispers offering their condolences and giving me advice and telling me to move on.

But I'm confined to this never ending murk of grief and depression that I can't seem to escape. I'm allowing it because there's nothing at the top waiting for me.

My body lurches up and I'm gasping for air, the bright screen burns my eyes and I bring my hand up to block the rays.

"Buck!!" Sam ponds on my door repeatedly.

I rub my palm over my sweaty face and threw my overgrown hair. I barely have time to register my surroundings before Sam is yelling my name again.

"Buck! Hawl your ass, Man!" His fist batters against the wood again, I let out a groan as I push the thin blanket off me and force myself to my feet.

I pick up the blanket and pillow from the ground and throw them to the couch and drag my legs threw the kitchen to the front door.

The light in the hallway hits me and I squint my eyes shut, resting my arm on the door. "What is it Sam" I'm still squinting and my voice is groggy with sleep.

"Iv been trying to call you for hours, Dude" His hands are on his hips and his loud voice is ringing threw my ears.

I glanced back into my apartment at the broken cellphone smashed across the ground. "I turned it off" I look back to him and he's shaking his head at me.

"You look like shit" He states with a loud sigh.

"You come here to insult me or do you actually want something?" My patience is growing thin, I'm biting my bottom lip to not loose my temper.

"I got a call" He barges threw, welcoming himself into my apartment. I growl low as my jaw clenches but I shut the door behind him.

He's walking around my kitchen, picking up dirty plates and pans while cringing. "I got a call from Steve" He continues, wiping his hands on his trousers.

"Good for you" I fall onto the dining room chair, slouching. The cold metal of my dog tags being the only thing covering my bare chest.

"Says he's got a mission for us" He flips on the dim light of the kitchen before turning to face me and crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't do that no more" I shake my head "I thought I made that clear after—" I pause for a moment, taking in a deep breath "I'm no longer an Avenger. That's not me now."

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now