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Steve wanted us all to have dinner together. Like this big happy family. Wanda is laughing with Natasha and Steve, Sam and Tony are talking like old friends.

This doesn't feel right. I feel like I'm betraying her by sitting here with our friends and acting like she didn't exist.

I can tell Pietro feels it to because he's slouched on his chair playing with the Chinese food on his plate.

I want to start a conversation with him, something, anything to know how's he's getting on. She would be so disappointed in me if she knew that I haven't spoken one word to Pietro since the day she died.

Iv barely looked at him until now. I know he loved her just as much as me and if I had just talked to him maybe we both could have helped each other cope.

But I can't change the past, that's one thing Iv learned after all these years.

I'm 39 and living in an old rundown apartment in Brooklyn with my cat which my dead fiancé gave me and my only friend is an old man. How pathetic can I really get?

"Hey, Buck" Sam hits my arm, I lift my head and look to him, he's laughing before he even gets a word out.

Sam turns to Steve who's listening closely. "Steve, why did you have to crash the plane" Sam begins and Steve has a very proud look come about his features.

"There was a bomb on board" Steve answered, looking very patriotic like always, "I had to bring her down."

"Okay, but," Sam begins to chuckle and I'm guessing that bottle of beer is already setting in, "Why didn't you just jump out before you crashed it?"

Steve opens his mouth to respond but after a thoughtful look he closes it. Sam burst into a fit of laughter as he grabs my arm.

I can help but let out a laugh and a smile curves on my lips when I see Steve shrug and laugh also. Wanda and Natasha join in and Tony's nearly on the floor as he grabs his chest.

I look around the room with a grin on my lips and I'm enjoying myself. Then it fades away because I see the empty chair where she used to sit, it fades away because her family is having fun and she's not here to join in.

Pietro sits up in his seat and it catches my eye, he seems miserable, and I can't blame him. I pick up the spare beer bottle and nudge it towards him.

He looks up at me and gulps. I nod to it because I don't have any words to speak to him right now. He looks like he's fighting with himself as he watches the glass closely, inspecting its ever detail.

He gives in and reaches forward for it with a sigh, suddenly the bottle is flown across the room and we all follow it till it's caught in Wanda's hands.

"What do you think your doing!" She jumps to her feet with the bottle in her hand, the chair slides across the floor with her force.

"Give me a break" Pietro lazily slides of the chair to his feet but Wanda storms in front of him.

"2 years!" She waves the bottle in front of his face and his fists are clenched at his sides. "2 years, Pietro! And your gonna throw it away for what!"

He ushers his hand to the empty chair and then back around the room. "What's the point" He drops his hands at his side. "She's not coming back, I'm sick of this feeling Wanda, it's all too much."

He pushes past his sister and walks out the room, Wanda sets down the bottle and is quick to chase after him.

It's gone to quiet, I look over to Steve and his lips are formed into a frown. "2 years?" I ask.

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now