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Natasha has us all gathered around the conference table again, I'm beginning to get annoyed and just want to get back to my apartment.

I could make up an excuse and say I need to get back to Alpine but then I'd probably get some disappointed faces from Sam and probably a lecture from Steve about how I should get out more.

Natasha is standing at the top of the table, her hands resting on the edge and she looks like she's contemplating whatever she's planning.

Tony has his arms crossed and by the look on his face he's not amused. "We don't have time for this" He's slouched back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"If I get her on the phone will you at least hear her out" She looks to Tony, with a groan he nods and Nat jumps up and pressed a button on her remote.

The sound of a phone ringing plays threw the screen in front of us and the person is quick to answer. "Natasha?" The person says, their voice has been changed so we don't recognise it.

It changes from a man's voice to a high pitched women's to a child's. "We are all here" Natasha tells her, the person takes a deep breath and I can hear rain in the background, I look out the window and see it's also raining here.

"Please, you have to help me find my daughter" They beg, their voice is so desperate.

"What's your name?" Tony asks, sitting up straight in his chair, he rests his elbows on the table.

The person pauses for a moment before answering. "Cassie" She says "Cassie Sanders."

"Cassie I need you to tell me everything you can about your daughter, where did you last see her?" Tony asks, he stands up and walks around the table, leaning his back on the edge as he looks to the screen.

"Four days ago, we were watching tv and she— she said she was tired so she went to bed early" Their voice is breaking and I can tell she is holding back tears "I woke up and she was gone."

"Does she normally do this? Has she been in any trouble before?" Tony says.

"No, no, she's such a good kid. Look, I really need your help to find her" I can tell she's starting to get annoyed, I don't blame her, she's lost her child and Tony is refusing to help.

"Tell me Ms Sanders, why can't you go to the police about this?" Tony has started pacing the room, chewing on the tip of his pen.

"We just can't" She's speaking quieter and I'm betting she's gonna snap at any moment.

"Your daughters life is on the line Ms Sanders, so either you start talking or you can start planning a funeral" Tony barks and I can see Natasha clenching her jaw.

"What if it was your daughter!" The women yells "What if Morgan was the one missing and everyone refused to help you, how would you feel then Mr Stark?"

Tony grans the remote and ends the call, he turns to Natasha and points a threatening finger at her. "I don't want to hear another word about this case you understand?" Tony grits his teeth "We are the Avenges, not private investors."

He turns and storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him. "Is there nothing we can do?" Wanda sits forward, looking up at Nat with hopeful eyes.

"Tony has a point Wanda" Steve sighs, standing to his feet "We know nothing about this women and there isn't enough evidence."

"It's just..." Wanda sighs "I know how I would feel if one of my boys went missing, she doesn't have anyone to turn to, I don't think it's fair."

"Is there not any way we can convince Tony?" Sam speaks "Maybe if he met whoever this women is he might be a bit softer on her."

"I wish that was possible but she'd be putting her own life at risk by coming to meet us" Natasha runs a hand threw her blonde hair and I can see the disappointment in her face.

"Who even is this girl?" Pietro speaks up from his dark corner.

"An old friend who's in a tough spot" Her arms are crossed over her chest and she's biting the inside of her mouth again.

"I'm sorry, Natasha" Steve pats her should as he walks past, Natasha glances over to me and all I could see was the sorrow in her eyes.


"What if it was your daughter!" I yell, my blood boiling and I'm gripping the phone so tight i think it might break "What if Morgan was the one missing and everyone refused to help you, how would you feel then Mr Stark?"

The line suddenly goes dead and I feel my heart stop. "Tony?" I repeat.

My teeth clench and I smash the phone down on the receiver, parts of plastic break off and fall to the floor.

I rest my head against the window of the phone box, I cry out her name and sink to the floor. My chest is acing and I know the pain all too well.

But it's worse this time. Because she's not just someone I love, she my flesh and blood, our flesh and blood.

Then suddenly the phone begins to ring again, but this time it's not Natasha.

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now