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Natasha brought us back to that apartment. When I walked in I wasn't surprised to see it in a mess. Even walking up the stairs to get to the apartment , it looks like a drug den.

Plastic bags full of trash littered in the hallways and needles settled in corners. I pity whoever is living here.

The apartment was cleaner than the hallways though. The windows were fogged with dirt and the paint on the walls were cracked and water damaged was covering the ceilings.

But something about it felt so...... familiar.

I walked in further and the scent of the room made my heart ache but I didn't understand why. "Where's the kids room?" Tony asked Natasha, his shoulders were tight into himself like he was scared of the air.

"This way." Nat walked down the hall with Tony and Steve following her. Wanda and Pietro stayed behind in the compound, Natasha wouldn't let Wanda come for some reason and it didn't take much convincing for Pietro to stay.

I analysed the room, my eyebrows knitting together, this didn't feel right. "Everything okay, Buck?" Sam walked up behind me.

"What does this look like to you?" I ushered my hand around the room which was the living area and kitchen all I one.

"It looks like whoever lives here doesn't know what Kleenex is." He ran his finger over the square dining table behind the couch collecting dust.

"Just look."

He scanned his eyes around the room and I could see the gears turning. "I see it." He nodded, pointing to the dining table in front of him. "This table, it's in direct line with the door, perfect for barricading."

"And the couch, see the scratch marks on the floor?" I walked over to the couch which was against the wall below the windows. "Someone moved this here, lift it up and it's covering the windows."

I noticed the stack of books on the coffee table, I pick it up and flipped it open only to find a whole cut into it and a dagger placed into it.

"Whoever lives here obviously has some kind of training, could be military, maybe even Shield?" Sam says.

"There's something not right about this case, Sam." I drop the book back down onto the coffee table and pick up a different one, when I open it I expect to see it cut open and another weapon hidden inside but there isn't.

Parts of the book have been scribbled in pen and quotes have been circled. I don't have enough time to think much about it when I see Sam leaving the room and down the hall.

I drop the book and follow him, he steps straight into what I'm assuming is the little girls room and I'm about to follow him when another I hear something crash.

I look over at the closed door at the end of the corridor. I step towards it and see there's a light on from under the door, a shadow passes across it.

I'm now standing in front of the door, I hear a crunch under my foot. When I lift it up I see Iv stepped on glass but there isn't any windows in the hall.

I look above me and there's a light, the bulb inside looks new meaning it's just been replaced.

I look back to the door and see the light inside is now turned off. Someone is definitely in there.

My hands are on the door and I'm pressing my ear against it, I can hear someone breathing, but it's muffled like they have their hand over their mouth to stay quiet.

I reach for the handle.


I turn around and Natasha is standing outside the little girls door, staring at me. "There's someone in there." I point to the door.

"It's their dog." She can't look in my eyes, she's lying.

I look back at the door and down to the door handle. "Bucky." Natasha warns. She steps forward to stop me but I swing the door open and walk in.


I forget they were coming over. I had passed out in my bed after many sleepless nights and woke up with a start when I heard the front door open.

I had reached for my gun but then I heard Natasha's voice and it hit me. I was meant to be out the apartment so Nat could let them see Blake's room but I wasn't keeping track on time.

I was hiding in my bed, hoping that none of them come in. I was beginning to get bored just lying here so i stood up and tiptoed to my bookshelf and pulled out a random book.

I was slowly walking back when I tripped over my boots I had left lying and fell into my bedside table making it bang against the wall.

My breath hitched as I listened, at first I thought maybe they hadn't heard but then the floorboards creaked outside my door.

I jumped up, walked across the floor to the other side of the room where the light switch was, I flicked it off and pressed my back against the wall.

I could hear someone breathing lightly on the other side, I pressed my hand against my mouth to try and silence my heavy breathing.

"Bucky." Natasha.

His name makes my head spin and I'm taking steps away from the door. "There's someone in there." His voice rips a whole in my heart, my eyes beginning to water.

"It's their dog." Natasha tries to lie.

The handle on the door rattles.

I spin around, opening the window and then sliding under the bed. The door opens and I can see his boots walking into my room.

He takes slow steps towards the window. "Dog, huh?" He turns around and I see Natasha's shoes in the doorway. "Why are you so desperate to hide whoever this person is?"

"We are here to find the girl, that's it." She says sternly.

"Secrets can only be kept for so long, Romanoff." He storms out the room and I hear Nat let out a long breath.

She walks into the middle of the room. "I told you not to be home." She speaks quietly, she's talking to me. "We are gonna find her, just keep a low profile for now."

She walks out the room.


Sorry for not uploading, Iv had no time to write recently.

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now