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"I didn't think you'd actually show up" Sam appears at my side as I'm staring at the glass doors to enter the compound.

"Neither did I" I glance around at the soldiers marching in line across the grass, I clench my hands in my pockets and I'm suddenly regretting coming here.

Sam pats my back and walks ahead. I'm about to turn and get back in my car when Sam holds the door open for me and now I feel pressured to follow.

I'm walking threw the halls of the compound and all I see is her face. I look over at the table against the wall where a pot of flowers are placed and all I remember is making out with her in that exact place which feels like only a few weeks ago.

I freeze in my tracks, my eyes glued to the wooden door beside me. Sam stops to, his breath hitching. I walk to it, my hand reaching for the handle but I choose against it.

"It's all still there you know" Sam says, walking up behind me "Nobody has been in there since you moved out, Steve wouldn't let anyone touch it."

I nod, keeping my head down as we continue walking. I can't bring myself to go in there.

We walk into Tony's lab and suddenly everyone goes silent, they are all staring at me like Iv just been brought back from the dead.

"It's good to see you, Buck" Steve walks to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"You to" I hug him back, his beard is grown out now, his hair is longer but nothing compared to mine.

Suddenly Wanda bursts into the room, she has Pietro by the back of the neck while he wines on about something I can't understand.

Wanda's hair is still red but it's lighter with age, Pietro now has a dark stubble but still seems childish.

"I see you got him to come" Natasha chuckles as Wanda finally lets go of Pietro, Nat's hair is cut short and is now blonde

"You have no idea the trouble I had to go threw" She sighs and shakes her head "My boys behave better than him sometimes."

Natasha laughs and I can tell her and Wanda have gotten closer over these years. "No Vision?" Steve asks, taking a seat at the long conference table.

"He's babysitting Billy and Tommy" Wanda takes a seat next to Sam "He wishes he could have came though."

"Thank you for coming" Steve nods to her before glancing around the room "All of you, it really means a lot."

"Why are we all here exactly?" I sit at the top of the table near Steve, there's something about Natasha that seems off, she seems on edge. I could just be imagining it since I haven't send her in years.

"A little girl has gone missing" Tony walks into the room, tapping away at his tablet. He looks worn out with age and most likely fatherhood also.

"And what has that got to do with us?" Pietro is leaning against the wall, still can't sit at piece I see, "Wouldn't the police handle something like this?"

Tony ushers to Natasha who takes a deep breath before speaking. "It's a friend of mine's daughter, she's in some trouble and can't turn to the police" Natasha is bitting the inside of her cheek as she speaks "I said I'd help her out."

"Who is this friend exactly?" Tony takes a seat across from her.

"She wishes to remain anonymous" Natasha swallows, picking at the skin around her nails.

Tony nods, pouting his bottom lip. We can all see how unsure he is about this, Tony has always had trust issues, I guess after everything they have gotten worse.

Natasha stands to her feet and presses a button on a remote, the screen flashes on showing a picture of a young girl in her early teens.

Long brown hair with shining brown eyes. There's something about her that I can't put my finger on, I stare at her face like it should mean something to me.

"This is Blake Sanders" Natasha glances down to the floor when she says the name Sanders, and I can sense she's obviously lying but I don't say anything.

"She went missing four days ago and hasn't been seen since" Nat cups her hands in front of her as she waits for someone to speak.

"What else do we have on her? Any clues?" Steve asks, sitting forward in his seat.

"I'm afraid that's it" Natasha sighs before biting her bottom lip.

"We should speak with her parents, find out more about her" Tony says, standing to his feet and taking his tablet with him.

"I already told you she wants to remain anonymous" Nat shakes her head.

"Then she doesn't get our help" Tony turns his back on us and begins to walk away.

"Tony!-" Natasha calls but he's already out the door, she looks back to Steve for help.

"He has a point Nat" Steve shrugs, standing up "If this is all we have then there is nothing we can do to help her."

Natasha nods, grabbing her phone from the table. "If I can get her here will you consider helping?" I can tell with the urgency in her voice that this means a lot to her.

Steve nods and she's quick to rush out of the room.


The rain is bettering down on the phone box, I'm biting at my nails with anxiety and looking around at my surroundings.

The gas station is empty, no cars and only the cashier inside who's fallen asleep behind the counter.

The phone behind to ring and I'm quick to answer it. I slip my hood up and keep my head down. "What did they say?" I ask urgently.

My foot is tapping on the ground and I'm hugging my coat closer to me. "I'm sorry," I feel my heart ache by those words "They want to see you, there isn't enough evidence for us to go on."

"I can't come back you know that." I hit my fist against the glass and I can already feel the tears welling in my eyes "Please, you gotta convince them, Nat."

"It's Tony, you know what he's like" She sighs "He's not going to help unless he knows all the information."

"It's my daughter, Natasha" I beg "It's his—" I freeze, biting my bottom like "I can't loose her, I'll do anything, I can't loose my daughter."

We both stay silent for a moment, Natasha is so quiet that I think she might have hung up. She takes a deep breath before she speaks.

"I might have an idea."

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now