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I'm walking down the hall and it's calling to me, I keep my head down and try to walk past it but I only get a few feet before I stop.

I find myself standing in front of it, staring into the wood like a crazy person.

What's stopping you? A voice says in the back of my mind. And I'm trying to come up with an answer but all I'm doing is repeating the same words all over again.

It's too many memories. I keep telling myself, at first it was the truth but after 13 years it's been worn out.

My metal fingers grip around the handle and I'm pushing it open. Her sent hits me before anything else, I take a deep breath in and my muscles relax for the first time in 13 years.

It's drawing me in and I'm taking a step forward, her soft carpet shapes around my boots and my eyes are already pricking with tears.

I stand for a moment taking everything in, I look over to the pile of books at her desk, I walk over to it and pick one up, flipping threw the pages where she would write little notes in.

I smile at the sentences she's circled, some cringy emotional quotes about life but one stands out to me more than most, she's circled it till the paper has been indented.

You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have.

I close the book over and set it back down on her desk, I step over to her wardrobe, my hands grazing over all her clothes.

One especially catches my eyes, I pull it out and clutch it in my hands. The dark green flannel fabric which used to be mine, I keep walking back until I hit the bed.

I sit back into it and bring the shirt up to my face, sniffing in her scent and I can feel tears pricking my eyes.

"Is that my shirt?" I walk into her room and she's sitting on her bed with her legs in a basket reading threw a case file.

"You gave it to me remember." She lifts her head, her lips are curved up into a smile and the butterflies flutter in my stomach. "Want something?"

We had just got back from our mission and all I could think about was our kiss at that coffee shop and how her lips felt against mine.

"I need that file." I pointed to the one on her lap.

"I'm using it," She looks back down to the pages and begins flicking threw it "I'll give you it when I'm done."

"Yeah, well, Stark wants me to do a debrief on that case tomorrow morning so I'm gonna need it now" I cross my arms across my chest as I step towards her bed.

"Too bad" She said.

I reached across and snatched the file from her hands, I turn to walk out the door but it slams in my face. I look back to her and she's standing right behind me with her hand out.

I walk to her and she reaches out for the file but I hide it behind my back, i tut at her and her eyebrows knit together with anger.

I draw my hand down the flannel and grip it at the bottom, She's pulled a step towards me and I hear her breath hitch.

"If your good then I'll think about giving it back" I grin, I turn and walk out of the room before she has a chance to react.

I miss that. The way we fought, but threw it all that spark we had was always there. I feel the tears run down my cheeks and I'm sobbing into her shirt.

I hear footsteps, I look up to see Wanda standing at the doorway. She wipes a tear away, I stand up and she runs into my arms.

We both stand there in each arms crying, Wanda's hands are gripping my back and I'm holding her close to me.

We both loved her and we both lost her.

"Mrs Maximoff, Mr Barnes, you are wanted in the conference room" Friday speaks over the intercom.

Wanda pulls away from me and wipes her eyes. She takes a few steps back as she composes herself.

"It doesn't get better" She answers my thoughts "It gets easier over time but it never gets better. The pain will always be there."

"Thank you, Wanda" I sniffle.


Natasha has us all gathered in the conference room again and Tony has lost his patience with her. "I told you I didn't want to hear about this case anymore!" He yells.

"Just listen to this, Tony!" She grabs the remote and before Tony has time to react a sound recording plays over the screen, it's that girls voice again and it's distorted like before.

But there's a younger voice this time that isn't distorted and I release it's her daughter.


"Hello?" I pick up the receiver, clearing my voice from all the tears.


My heart aches and I can't stop the tears. "Blake! Blake! Oh my god" I cry, running a hand over my head "Where are you, tell me where you are, Blake."

"I- I don't know" Her voice is so quiet that I can barely hear her, she's taking long breaths and my hands are shaking like crazy. "Mom, I'm scared."

"What do you see" I try and pull myself together but with the pounding of my heart and her trembling voice it's hard to focus.

"I'm in a room, I think, it's so dark." She begins to cry, hiccuping threw her words "I'm so sorry, Mom. I snuck out to meet a friend, I knew the rules but—"

"That doesn't matter right now, all that matters is that you are safe" I'm gripping the phone for dear life and wishing I had Lexi with me right now to track the call.

"They're coming back! Mom! I'm sorry!" Blake yells and her voice fades into nothing.

"Blake!" I scream, every muscle in my body tightening that I think they might snap, the light above me begins to flicker with the built up anger.

"This is what you deserve" A deep distorted voice says and the line goes dead again.


Natasha storms up to Tony, slamming her fist down on the table in front of him and her face is red with anger.

"We are taking this case wether you like it or not."

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now