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"How'd it go with the kid?" I ask Tony as we are passing each other in the hallways, he hasn't been gone long, two hours at most.

"Yeah, he knows nothing. said they've never met, been texting online for a while though." He's holding the girls computer under his arm, he fixes his glasses on his nose before speaking again. 

"Nothing that could help us find her, i was reading threw their messages on the way here though, all i can tell is that she's a lonely teenage girl with a strict mom and by the first marks in her bedroom walls, sever anger issues."

My brows knit together, my hands rest on my hips. "What's going threw the cyborg brain of your, Barns?"

"Morgan, how old is she now?" I ask him, shifting my weight from one foot to the other as i wait on a reply.

He runs a hand over his goatee and thinks for a moment. "Let's see, pep got pregnant around the time Cle.... you know, so she should be 13 now, god feels like she's ageing every second week, hard to keep track." He chuckles awkwardly.

"Morgan have the strength to put her fist threw her walls?" He shakes his head. "Or any teenager for that matter? I'm telling you Tony something aint right here."

"Tell that to Romanoff, dropped my glass in the kitchen the other day and she pulled her gun on me." Tony scoffs and shakes his head. "Iv seen her on edge before but this is something else. but she'll slip up eventually, only a matter of time."

"She's a trained spy, Stark. her job is to lie."

"Wait and see, Barns." He pats my shoulder and begins to walk away. "Pietro's running laps outside, seems lonely, why don't you go join him."


It's 3 AM and I'm dying of the flu because this dumb bitch forgot to get her flu jag. yay!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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