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6  Y E A R S  A G O  -  O H I O


My heart sinks, my head snapping up and I'm already sprinting threw the house to the back door. I practically walk threw the glass and i start breathing again when i see she's okay. She's sitting on the ground, clutching her arm in the dirt.

"You scared me." I breath out, walking to her and kneeling down in front of her. "I thought something bad happened to you, sweetheart."

"It did!" She looks up at me with a pouted, shaky lip. "I fell off the swing and broke my arm!"

She shows me her elbow, scrapped and bloody and covered in dirt. "Oh, no!" I gasp, holding her lower arm as she sniffles back tears. "I think we are going to have to chop it off."

"What!" Her mouth falls open and her eyes are wide.

"Yup, and then ill feed it to the scary old lady down the road!" I grab her waist, tickling her sides.

She laughs and jumps away, her arm shaking about as she tries to get away from my attack. I laugh with her, pulling her onto my lap and whipping away loose tears. "I think my arms feeling better." She holds it up to me. "No need to chop it off."

I kiss over the small cut and then one on her head for good measure. "Pain only makes you stronger, my little warrior." I brush her long brown hair away from her face. "Remember that."

She nods, she looks up to the green, bright trees above, her eyes are lighting up. "Look, Mama!" She points. "The trees are sparkling!"

"Those are firefly's, sweetheart." I pull her up to her feet and pull out the leaves stuck in her hair.

"So pretty." She reaches her hand out but she's too short to reach.

"Come on, let's go get dinner." I pick her up and settle her on my hip.

"Is Aunt Yelena joining us again?" She asks with hope in her eyes.

"Um, not tonight." I press my lips into a smile. "Maybe another time."


I walk into the little girls room and it's surprisingly clean. The only thing messy about it is her desk which is covered in charcoal chalk and paper with drawing on it.

I pick one up and there's a pumpkin drawn on it. It's not the best drawing but it's pretty amazing for a kid.

I look back and Tony is picking up the girls laptop which was sitting on her bed. "I'm gonna take this back to the compound, see if I can find any clues on it." He tells Natasha show just walked in.

She nods after a moment.


I walk into Tony's office and he's clicking away at his monitor. "Find anything on the girls computer?" I ask, standing behind him.

"Nothing really, just some games, although I did find some messages in a chat room between her and someone called '1-800-SpiderLord'." Tony scoffs a laugh.

"Can you find out who they are?" I ask.

"Whoever it is has hella good fire walls but they got nothing on us, ain't that right Friday."

"Already got their address, boss."

"Atta girl." Tony jumps to his feet and grabs his car keys off his desk.

"Want me or Steve to go with you?" I follow him down the hall and I'm just now releasing how short he is.

"I'd rather go on my own."


I may or may not be setting up a possible spin-off if you haven't caught on..........

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now