To The Sky

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To The Sky by Owl City


Lizzie's POV

It's been a few days since we spoke about how I won't have to worry about losing her ever again. I didn't think the conversation would end in a way where it would leave my heart unscathed. But, fortunately for me, Y/N had a change of heart. We had a mature conversation about my poor decision making and how it affected her during the three years we were apart. I understood her perspective from the beginning, but it was an eye opener listening to her talk about everything. She was unfiltered with her words, and that's all I could ever ask for from that moment. By the end of it all, we were able to leave a painful past that took us three years to move past on. Now, we are off to new beginnings. Hopefully, this new path leads us back to each other.

I've bothered everyone to babysit Maya for today, but no one was available. Ashley was supposed to watch her, but there was an emergency at work, so she couldn't do it anymore. Her and MK are in the same line of work, so I couldn't ask her either. My parents are out of town, so they weren't an option. Scarlett is off with Colin and Rose in New York for a family trip. There was no one else. So, I was left with no choice but to take her to work.

"Where is Y/N?" Maya pulled on my arm excitedly as we entered the set building. "You said she works with you right?"

I looked around for a certain individual, hoping my eyes would catch her, "She does, but she's probably busy doing other-"

"Y/N!" Maya yelped as her feet darted toward the person responsible for making my kid excited.

"Little bear?" Y/N swept Maya off her feet, swinging her side to side. "What are you doing here?"

"No one could watch me, so Mommy Lizzie brought me to work." She pointed at me, and that's when we finally locked eyes. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Y/N tapped on her nose. "What is it?"

"I have this math homework I need help with." Maya mumbled under her breath. "I asked Lizzie to help me but she said she's not good with numbers, so I was wondering if you can help me."

Y/N gave me a teasing smile, "Of course. I would be so happy to help you. I'm great with numbers." Maya hopped off, setting her feet back on the ground. "I'm sorry, your mom over here isn't so good with numbers. Good thing she's good at other things."

I shook my head, "Little one, if you need help with History, ask me and don't ask her." I stated. "That's like her worst subject."

Y/N scoffed, "Where did you hear that? I'm good at History. In fact, all subjects, Olsen. I'm good at everything I do, little bear. Don't let her do witchcraft magic on you. That's practically the only thing she's good at." She teased.

Maya giggles, "You guys argue like a married couple."

Y/N kneeled down to her level, "We do, don't we?" They laughed together. "But, tell me, I'll definitely be your favorite mom though right?" She attempted to whisper but it was loud enough for me to hear.

Maya nodded before falling into a pit of laughter with Y/N, who stuck her tongue out at me. I would normally feel a little betrayed, but it warms my heart to see her interact with Maya so carelessly. Their adorable giggles made my heart glow, and it's the best feeling I've ever felt in a while. I didn't expect her to be joking around with Maya. I thought that she would just brush it off, but here she is, entertaining the little one. I'm here for it.

"Listen, those people with big clipboards are calling me to do work, but I'll be back to help you with homework, okay?" Y/N said, shuffling backwards. "Oh, and make sure to bother your mom when the camera is rolling."

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