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Chase told me to come to his place today and I of course had to agree with his idea. He don't take a no for answer apparently.

Pulling on some distressed jeans and a hoodie I bought from drop dead, I was ready. He warned me about his friends might be there. I would lie if I said I wasn't nervous about this.

It made no sense.

I get my dads car and drive off toward Chase's house. It's just 20 minutes away so it's not really a big deal.

Why I know this?

My dad told me. He apparently knows alot of his family. He warned me that his father is abit strict and I should try act nice. If Chase is acting nice, it would probably not be hard.

I drive in an corner where the house should be and I face a big gate. I could feel myself begin to sweat. I am nervous and I shouldn't be. I will only study with him for an hour or two and I will be out right away. My plan is, go in , study and get out. Awesome plan Rose, just a beautiful and neat plan. note the sarcasm,please.

I could see the enormous house when I drive through the gate and park beside two Audi R8.

Another car just drive through the gate behind me and park beside me.

The cardoor of this black Ford Mustang from 1963 model car opens as a tall guy got out. His bleached hair was styled messy and his ocean blue eyes looks at me , making me feel small sudden.

His style were alternative ish and he look pretty grunge mixed with hipster. He shoot me a smirk.

"You're visiting Chase?"
His voice were dark and you could tell he could tease every now and then.

"I am helping him study to the exam.."
I begin and tries my best to be calm and act cool.

He nods and chuckles.

"Chase sucks at exams, it's good to give him another hand." He come closer and reach out his hand for me to shake.

"Marcus Smith."

His voice..his name...

"Rose..or Rosabell Jackson.."
Mentally bitchslapping myself now.

I shake his hand and his hands were pretty cold. His grip tighten and he didn't let my hand for a while, before we notice how long we just stood there and smiled into eachothers eyes.

He let go as he looks away , rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Yo Marcus!" I can hear Chase yell as he run out , only wearing his sweatpants and his hair is still wet.

"Hey man."

Chase grin and then realise not only Marcus are here, but seeing me looking like a lost puppy that stands beside Marcus.

"Hey brainy, you're here early."
He winks.

"I'm a half an hour late."

"Nope, you were supposed to come in an hour , so you're practically one hour early." He point at his watch that it's around his wrist.

I look at my watch and realise I forgot to set the clock one hour back.


They both laugh, making me more embarrassed about my stupidity.

"Remind me to not let you teach me about the watch."

I roll my eyes.

"If you pull it on, it will make the waves into electricity." I explain for the 10th time.
I groan in frustration.
"I don't understand how your father let you take over his job when he's away!" I blurt out while trying to rip my hair apart. I swear he was the most stubborn person I've ever met.

"I don't need to worry about electricity, I have people for that." He tells, while eating a banana, and not even bother to pick up his pencil.

"You will never graduate with your laziness." I warn him, but it didn't seem to worry him at all.

Marcus is laying in the couch enjoying our arguments.

We've been barking at eachother for hours now and I just don't get the fact that alot if the girls at school loves him.

"You're enjoying yourself right now, don't you?" I say looking at Marcus, who is laying in the couch and filming us on Snapchat.

He nods as he burst out laughing. I shake my head, starting to laugh too. He had the cutest laughter, but when I heard Chase begin laughing, I couldn't stop laughing. He sounded like a pig. He let out grunts in his laughter and It made Marcus and I crack up more.

"Omg." I managed to say as I wipe the tears under my eyes. Whenever I laugh too much, the tears is rolling.

The neighbours probably think we're on drugs or something.

The laughter quiet down and we all were exhausted.

"How did this start." Marcus says as he wipe away his tears too.

"I've never laughed so hard in a long time." He says. He looks at me as he shoot a smile. It wasn't this player smile , it was this happy smile which made my heart immediately melt.

I couldn't do anything, but look away smiling.

"I gotta go, band practice." Marcus says looking at his phone.

We both follow him to the door.

"Don't kill each other when I leave, okay?" Chase sigh and replies

"I will try my best."

I support my hand on my chest as I pretended to be hurt.

We said bye and he closes the door.

"Okay 2 things." He point his finger up and continues.

"1.you suck at teaching."
I look at him dumbfounded

"2.go out with me."

Corpse Boy//Christopher MccroryWhere stories live. Discover now