Chapter 13

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Really sucks cause I wrote a BOMB ASS chapter and then I saved it. Then when I went to publish it POOF it was gone. Wtf. But anyways I'll try to do my bestest to recreate for you lovely people who are reading this (who knows why) but thank you so so so much for 3k. That's ridiculous. Love you guys.

The house I was in was quite familiar but I could not put my finger on it. I know I had been in this house before but I just couldn't figure out whose it was. Everything was hazy and hard to make out. I felt as if I had landed in a horror movie. I looked down at my feet as they slowly walked across grey, and dirty hardwood floors. I didn't know what I was doing really or where I was going.
"Eli!" I heard a familiar voice call from what looked like the kitchen. The call was followed by clanging and rattling. I stopped in my tracks trying to figure out whose voice it was. I could see into the doorway of the kitchen and right as I was going to continue to walk a tall, dirty, drunken man passed by the doorway smiling wickedly at me before continuing.
Then it hit me, this was Alexis' house and that voice was her's calling out to me for help. Suddenly all the grey fog and haziness went away. I could see clear as day, and everything stopped going in slow motion. My feet moved faster than every before as I ran to the kitchen. I slid on the tile floors and into the table in the middle catching myself. The table rattled as I sturdied myself, taking in my surroundings. At the end of the kitchen, there Alexis sat tied to a chair sobbing. Bruises, cuts, scratches, scrapes ran all along her exposed face, arms, and legs. I felt anger rise up in me like a volcano erupting. I looked on the kitchen table and grabbed the butcher knife that laid there. The drunken man was standing next to the chair, his hand on her back, smiling at me like a proud father. I began to run at him, but the room seemed to stretch. The faster I ran the farther away they seemed, the less I could hear her cries for help.
After a couple moments of helplessness the man laughed and raised his hand above her before coming down, slapping her over the face-

I jolted up in my bed, breathing hard and collecting a handful of sheets in my fists. I looked around taking in the surrounds from my bedroom, realizing it was all just a dream. I breathed out sighing, thank god it was a dream. I let go of the sheets and put my sweaty head in my hands. I haven't seen Alexis in two weeks and I am beginning to think I am literally going insane..
"What am I going to do with myself-" I started saying to myself but was interrupted by my alarm clock. I ran my hands through my hair one more time before hopping out of bed and getting ready for school.
"Eli I know you're a love sick puppy but could you stop texting Lexi and talk to us for one second?" Ellie Nash pleaded with me at lunch.
"Eli you have one more day till she's off grounding and suspension you dork," Cara said taking a bite of an apple. I couldn't help but chuckle at Adam, who was practically drooling staring at Cara. She followed my gaze and widened her eyes when she saw Adam's. She laughed and flicked his forehead, which brought him out of his trance.
"Ow what'd you do that for?" He asked rubbing his forehead in pain.
"Next time take a picture, it lasts longer," she said causing everyone to laugh.
"Oh ha, ha, guys I was just zoning off that's all," Adam said his cheeks flushing. "So Eli when are you and Lexi gonna get married," he added to try to get the attention off him.
"Oh get off it would you," I said rolling my eyes.
"I'd think we'd have to date longer than 2 weeks before we got married," an angelic voice sounded behind me, I know that voice anywhere. I hopped up from the lunch table turning around. There my beautiful girlfriend who I hadn't seen since I asked her out, stood. Her dirty blonde hair was shorter, her cheek bones more prompt, and her eyes popped from her pale skin. She wore a maroon sweater that hung loosely off her shoulder, and black ripped skinny jeans with her all-black converse. I pulled her into a bear hug, kissing the top of her head repeatedly. When we pulled away, she was smiling.
"Did you miss me?"

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