Chapter 2

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Alexis' POV:

My dad pulled the car over to the curb in front of our new house. The wheels grinded against the loose pebbles, and blacktop of the road. Everyone was tired of being in the car.

We are now in Canada, its not that much different here. The summer weather in Tornonto is great. Hot but not too hot, not humid. Just as I excepted they pronounce things different. But Canadians probably think that we pronounce things weird too.

The car drive was literally hell. My parents were arguing the whole time about nothing that was actually important. Did I mention that my parents argue all the time? No well they do.

Them yelling makes me want to punch windows of the car out. They argue about my dad being gone all the time. Then they make up until he leaves, then my mom gets drunk. She tells me its my fault that he leaves, that she should of got a abortion, and more mean visicious stuff.

But I love my mom. You might think I am crazy now. But I'm not. When my mom is drunk, she isn't my mom. She's a stranger to me, a verbally abusive stranger. My parents also cheat on each other, they call their relationship a open one even though they are married. The whole situation is just stupid.

I think they are just so in love with each other that they can't stand to be apart. Being apart tears them apart, they have been apart for so long they each turned into horrible people in their own ways. Usually the random drunk man my mom brings home from the bar, ends up hitting or slapping me like I said before. My mom says I should come out of my room when she comes home. I never leave my room ever. I don't understand why men get abusive when they are drunk. Well maybe that's my fault too. Everything is always my fault.

The morning after my mom is my mom again and not the abusive stranger. She always forgets or acts like nothing happened which I like. I don't like sharing my feelings with anyone. My cousins know what goes on, but long ago they stopped trying to fix my mom. I have long stopped trying with my mom too.

This whole act that goes on, has given me a lot of problems like a Christmas present that no one wants. But being me I got the present and opened it. It sticks with me like a lost puppy. I have abandonment issues, pretty bad depression, a little anxiety. I always feel never good enough.

I am really good at hiding my feelings most of the time. None of my friends suspected anything going on at home. When I would come to school with bruises I would always lie, and no one ever saw my self harm.

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