Chapter 10

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Lex's POV:

I set my head in my hands leaning on my elbows on the desk. I listened and watched Eli and Adam argue about some band. I smiled at Eli as he passionately talked about this band that I've never heard of. He looked away from Adam and stopped talking for a second looking at me,"Whatcha smiling at?" I shook my head still smiling, "Nothing nothing." He laughed, "Oh yeah okay." I laughed with him but felt someone's eyes on me. I turned my head for my eyes to be met with Clare's. She glared at me through squinting eyes. My smile turned into a grimace. I felt a boost of confidence go through me as I smiled evilly at her and punched one of my fists into the other hand. The world wide symbol for 'I'll fucking beat your ass.' Her eyes went wide and she turned back to her group quickly. Adam and Eli laughed at my actions. "Tough girl eh?" Adam smirked. "I'm sick of her bull shit and I want to make that clear," I shrugged. "Would you actually fight her?" Adam asked. "That's the way you handle things in Chicago if someone won't get off your ass," I said. Eli smiled wickedly at me, "Sweet revenge." Adam laughed, "We better be there to see it, you'd beat her ass." Before I could positively respond Ms. Dawes walked up to our group, "Sorry to keep you waiting guys. I saved a special act just for you guys.." She handed each of us a paper with the summary of our act and walked away. I scanned through it quickly.

Romeo visits Juliet's tomb to say goodbye and kill himself because he can't live without her. He kisses her one last time and drinks the poison. Then Juliet finally wakes up shortly after to find Romeo dead. She panics and try's to kill herself too by kissing the poison off his lips, when that doesn't work she stabs herself and dies. ****Be very detailed in your "trailer." ****

Should be easy I thought until the realization hit me that two of us would have to kiss each other. "I call filming it," Adam said quickly. I looked up, great, wonderful I don't even quite understand the feelings that Eli and I have going on between us and we have to kiss each other twice. The sheet even said to be detailed. I drummed my fingers against the desk. So that means that Eli's Romeo and I have to be Juliet. That means were kissing definitely and by Friday. I looked up to see Eli smirking at me, "Nervous Juliet?" I smirked back, "Not a bit." We stared at each other a portion longer not speaking. The bell interrupted our unofficial staring contest. I threw the paper into my backpack and stood up ready to leave. All three of us walked out the door together like usual, Adam eyes were still glued to the paper. "Okay guys I really need a good grade in this class so you think we can hang out after school to start planning this?" He spoke looking up at us. I nodded, "Sure." "Cool we can go to my house after school then?" Adam asked kinda excitedly. We all agreed and went out separate ways mine was to study-hall. Great a class where I have nothing to do to distract myself from thinking about this whole situation. I pulled at the end of my cardigan sleeves and made my way to the classroom.


A/N: gonna switch it up a little here 😊

Cara's POV:

"I just don't understand why your so worried about kissing Eli," I said to Lexi as we both studied ourselves in the dirty bathroom mirror in front of us. She straightened her shirt and said, "Of course you don't understand because your not the one who has to kiss him." I looked away from the mirror teasing her, "I would like to be the one kissing him actually," I winked. She tore her eyes from the mirror and jokingly nudged me, "Shut up I am being serious here." I laughed as we began to walk out of the bathroom, "I know I know. But it's not like you haven't ever kissed a guy before, and it's for a project. Just imagine you coulda had to kiss some gross boy." She groaned, " I guess, but still." I pushed the doors to the lunchroom open. "Maybe Adam could be Juliet and I could just film," she wondered. The mention of Adam made my stomach do a flip flop. Since I met him I've been trying to figure out my feelings for him. He's cute, and so is his older brother Drew. But there's something about Adam that just gets to me. I know that he's really a girl, and that's what makes me uneasy about my feelings. Does that mean I'm gay or curious? I don't have anything against gays but I don't know how I feel about myself being one. "Earth to Cara," Lexi snapped her fingers in front of my face. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't know we were already at the lunch table... And now everyone I staring at me like I'm crazy.. I shook my head of my thoughts and sat down next to Lexi who was next to the one and only Eli of course. I made a confused face as I looked around the table for Adam. I scanned the lunchroom and my eyes finally landed on the clumsy boy talking to a blonde girl in a yellow dress. My temper flared a little as I saw her twirl a piece of her hair between her fingers. I butted into Eli's and Lexi's conversation. "Who is that," I said pointing at the girl.
Eli raised his eyebrows at me, "Is someone jealous?"
"No!" I said defensively.
Lexi put her elbows on the table leaning forward, "That's Becky Baker. She's annoying. She's super religious and in study hall she tried to force me to cleanse myself at the 'holy church.'" I busted out laughing Alexis is the least religious person I know.
"Well good luck to her in doing that," I scoffed. Adam led the so called Becky to our table.
"Guys this is Becky," he said smiling widely.
"So we've heard," Lexi said turning on her sassy cousinly sisterly defense mechanism. Lexi smirked at Becky, intimidating her. If Lexi wants she can be the biggest bitch and I love it.
"Oh, hi Alexis! What did you think of my offer of cleansing at my church." Becky said.
"I decline, I'm not religious nor do I need cleansing," she said bored.
"Oh what a shame," she said.
Authors note: long time no see! I'm back be prepared.

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