Chapter 8

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I sat my emotional drained self on the counter of my bathroom. Eli rummaged through my stuff and found a first aid kit. His jet-black hair soaked from the rain, falling over his eyes. His black skinny jeans wet and his sweater also. His white v-neck soaked through, I could see some of his abs. If I wasn't so sad, I would be filled with butterfly's and all that gooey shit. I looked in the mirror on the wall across from me. I looked horrible my blue eyes grey with sadness, the whites red from crying. My hair was darker since it was soaked. It hung down my face lifelessly. My clothes were soaked, I felt gross. Eli unzipped the bag, "Take your sweat shirt off please." I smiled lightly and pulled the cold, wet sweater off me. I Instinctively crossed my arms. Once he got he stuff he smiled at me sadly and uncrossed my arms. He took my left arm turned it over and laid it on my thigh. I felt self conscious with my cuts all out like that. He ran a washcloth in warm water. Then he gently washed my arm. Once it was clean he dried it, he got out Neosporin, he ran his thumb over the deepest cut lightly before putting the medicine on. I wonder what he was thinking as he did this. After he gauzed them and put band aids on each one. I looked up at him, "Thank you.. you don't know how much this means to me really," I said as I looked down. "It's no problem Lex, I care about you a lot, he said. I led him back to my room, I looked at the clock 1 a.m. "You still wanna talk right?" I asked awkwardly. "Yes I do," he said. "Ok hold on, I'll be right back," I said. I walked out of the room and down the hall and into Brandon's room. I went to his dresser and got out gray sweatpants and and a black t-shirt. Then I walked back to my room and tossed him the clothes. "Here you go." He chuckled, "thanks." He walked into my bathroom. I took the opportunity to take the razor out of my back pocket. The party was over, but probably all the ones that Clare spilled all over the floor were gone. I walked to my dresser and held it in my hand. Thousands of thoughts filled my head, I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Eli come out of the bathroom and walk behind me. He hugged me from behind and slipped the razor out of my hand. "Mine," he said. I tensed up, "okay." "It's okay Lex," he said reassuring before letting go. He slipped it into the pocket of the sweatpants. He looked so good in them. I tried to smile and walk to my dresser, I pulled out my pajamas. (Black softie shorts, a blue old basketball t-shirt, and sweatpants) I walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and changed, washed my face and brushed my hair. I put a white head band on and walked out. Eli was sitting on the edge of my bed. I was feeling happier even after everything. I ran and jumped on my bed. Eli laughed at me, "Lexi let's be serious." "Sorry I'm just sick of being sad," I said. "I know, but let's talk." "Ugh okay"
"Why," he said, "why do you do it. Why'd you start I mean." I told him everything, I told him about my parents fighting since I was young. I told him about before my cousins lived with us. I told him about my depression. I told him about my mom getting drunk and screaming at me. I told him about how she brings men home and they get drunk and hit me. I let everything out. I didn't cry while telling him, I just felt safe. I told him about how much I hated myself. I told him about how I hated myself because my mom hated me. I told him about my desire for the blade and how I can't get rid of it. And I told him about how ashamed I am and how I'm a huge failure. He didn't interrupted me once, he just listened. He didn't get bored, he cared. I slowly stopped and looked at him. He green eyes were sad and pained. "I'm so sorry Alexis. I had no idea. I wish none of that stuff never happened to you. You are too perfect of a girl to feel that way. And I need you to believe that Lex. Everything about you is perfect. You should love yourself. You need to love yourself no matter what. Your mom needs to get help or you need to learn how to cope with it in a different way. Your mom loves you, she just deals with her pain. The alcohol overtakes her. All week at school I've heard people talk about you. People think your cool, a lot of people want to be your friend. Everyone is talking about how surprised they are that you choose and like me and Adam as friends. You see yourself as such a bad person when your so much better than that. Alexis I think your beautiful and I want to help you and be there for you. But only if you want me to be. It hurts me that you hurt yourself. And I know it's a lot to ask but I will help you stop. Whenever you need me I'll be there okay? If your mom is drunk just come to my house no matter what time it is. Okay?" I looked at him without saying anything for a second. I was really surprised, I didn't think he cared this much. I didn't think anyone would care this much. I smiled big and jumped on top him, hugging him. I squeezed him tightly not wanting to let go. He laughed at me, "I take that as a yes." "Duh," I muffled into his shirt. "I'm glad you opened up to me finally," he said. "Me too Eli," I said. He looked over at the clock "2 a.m." he sighed. I yawned, "Just stay over. There's no point in going home." He looked down at me, "You sure?" "Yeah," I said climbing off of him and getting off the bed and walking to the light switch. He sat up in the bed, "Where should I sleep Lex." "You can sleep in my bed it's fine." "With you?" He asked. "Yes Eli it's fine unless it's a problem with you? It's king sized and it's late. Plenty of room for both of us." He smiled, "okay." I switched off the lights and hopped in my side of the bed and jumped under the covers. He did also. As soon as my head hit the pillow a crack of lighting and thunder sounded. Scaring the shit out of me, I rolled over and grabbed hold of Eli. He smirked down at me, "Scaredy cat." " Goodnight Eli Goldsworthy." "Night Alexis Robinson," he said wrapping his arms around me . I smiled to myself and let the darkness overtake me.

a/n: Sorry these last two chapters were short, I started back up on this story. But I need inspiration from you guys. I already starting writing the next chapter. If you like and want to see more vote this chapter.

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