Chapter 14- I'm gonna take back what you took.

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Author's note- So I was a small child when I started writing this ... lmao. Never thought it'd get as many reads and votes that it does. And for some strange reason I really enjoy writing/reading cheesy, corny, and crazy ass fan fictions. So as much as I feel like I should be paying attention to my Criminology class right now... thought I'd give you a long awaited update. Also no matter how hard my adult mind try's to push it away, I'll always love Degrassi.
P.S.- -> Many years have passed since I started this so my writing style has changed, my outlook on life has changed and etc. Don't be upset at me if you don't like the way I write now. Lots of shit changed. One good thing is I have better grammar now.

Alexis' POV:
I watched the multi color leaves swirl on the ground as I walked up to the Degrassi steps. The brisk wind blew, the seasons were changing from summer to fall.
Mr.Simpson let me come back one day early from my 2 week suspension. I was beginning to go stir crazy sitting inside my house everyday. But I managed to convince him with the argument that it was affecting my studies. Which it was, trying to do homework that you weren't in the class to learn how to do, is challenging to say the least.
I pulled open the front door and walked to Mr. Simpson's office.
"Good afternoon Alexis." The secretary greeted me. I sat in a waiting chair and smiled back at her. I twiddled my thumbs as I waited and stared out the window. Shortly Mr. Simpson stuck his head out of his office.
"You can come in now Alexis." He smiled. I followed behind him into his office. He shut the door behind me as I sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. As he walked around his desk, I noticed he looked disheveled. His tie was loosened and there were coffee stains on his button-up shirt.
"Long night Simpson?" I asked.
"Degrassi can never cut me a god damn"- he cut himself off realizing he cursed, " you didn't hear me say that okay?"
"Okay," I said laughing, "Why were you up all night?"
"Oh nothing just Degrassi's well being and some anonymous notes left in my suggestion box..." he trailed off once again realizing he was probably saying too much.
"I won't say anything," I said and instinctively held out my pinky. I hesitated but he locked pinky's with me surprisingly.
"Once again you didn't hear me say any of that," he chuckled, "Jeez I'm off my rocker today." He reached behind his desk and grabbed two cookies, he handed me one. Which I gladly took and we both began chewing. His eyes went wide. "Oh yeah your suspension. I can't believe myself today."
His fingers danced across his keyboard as I assumed he was pulling up my records.
"Look Alexis I could sit here and yell at you for fighting but I know you know that what you did was wrong. You're a good kid with great grades, great personality, you're kind, and your art from Ms.Whirley's class is insanely amazing. Don't do it again," he pointed his finger in my face, "For real. I like you, I don't want to suspend you again." He smiled and I laughed at the fact that he said 'for real.'
"Anyways I know Clare started it and has it out for you because of Eli. Which I did guess that you guys were gonna date... I should of put money on it with the other teachers... Well anyways I'm sure Clare will stay away from you because of what you did to her face. But if you feel she should be taken out of your classes just come let me know and I'll be glad to do so... Anyways it's lunch time so off you go unless you have anything to tell me."
"Nope just thank you for not yelling at me and understanding. And good luck with those notes, if I see anything I'll come let you know." I said standing up and smiling at him. He was a great principal.
"Great! Now I have an inside spy," he smiled and gave me a thumbs up as I left his office. I laughed and told his secretary to have a good day.
I walked down the hallway pushing my ear phones into my ears. 'Empty Space' by the The Story So Far filled my ears. As I walked I caught my reflection in the window of a classroom and noticed how much thinner I was. I didn't eat much over my suspension, just like an apple or something small a day. My maroon sweater hung of my shoulder exposing my collar bone that was popping out more then usual. I ducked into a bathroom and looked in the mirror. I pulled up my sleeve and looked at my almost healed cuts. Then I pulled at my face, my cheek bones were sticking out and my skin was so pale I almost looked dead. I splashed some water on my face to wake up before proceeding back into the hall.
As I was about to walk into the hallway my eye caught something. I hid behind the wall of the entrance to the bathroom as I watched a very tall boy from behind, by Mr. Simpson's office. He was dressed from head to toe in black and had his hood pulled over his head. I couldn't make out who it was. He folded up a piece of paper and dropped it in Simpson's box. He looked both ways before disappearing down the hallway.
I waited a minute before stepping out into the hallway. My curiosity ate at me. I walked up to the box and looked both ways. The boy was long gone. I had to know. I pulled the note from the top of the pile and opened it in my hands.
'Dear Stupid Simpson,
If my demands aren't met by the day before the Fall Dance..
you know what will happen and it will happen at the dance.
-Yours Truly ;)'
The countless of times of bomb threats and just various threats that happened at my old school replayed in my head. Maybe that's not exactly what this person is talking about but it sure sounds like it
I thought about going back into Simpson's office but the dance was a couple weeks away. I had a lot more time to do my own investigating. I wanted to go to lunch and see my friends. And Eli. I decided to go after school. I dropped the note back into the box.
Eli's POV-
"Did ya miss me," Alexis looked up at me as I hugged her. Instead of answering I pecked her lips. Even though we've been dated for half a month I've barely kissed her and it felt great to.
"Duh," I answered when I released her. She pulled at the collar of my shirt towards her, and kissed my lips. Her chapstick tasted sweet like vanilla. I smiled into the kiss and kissed back. She released my collar and pulled away.
Adam whistled from the lunch table and everyone laughed.
"You guys are so cute!" Cara said as Alexis sat in the seat next to mine.
"So Adam when are you gonna ask Cara out?" Alexis asked smiling deviously at the both of them. Adam's cheeks went tomato red. Which caused everyone to laugh more. As I was sitting down I noticed Alexis' bones were sticking out more then usual. Her collar bone was more prominent in her skin which was paler then usual. I stood back up and pulled Alexis gently with me.
"Can we talk for a second?" I asked.
"Of course," she smiled. She followed me out into the hallway outside of the cafe.
"You told me that you were eating over the last two weeks." Her smiled faded and she looked to the floor.
"I have been kinda..." she trailed off.
"I bet you can name everything you ate in the past two weeks." I said crossing my arms but smiling gently. You had to be sensitive and patient with her otherwise you'll just scare her away.
"Apples... Oh and Simpson gave me a cookie." She stated.
"That's it?!" I said surprised.
"Yeah" she said still looking at the floor.
"How much weight have you lost?"
"10 pounds. I weight 115 now."
"Alexis that's really under weight for your height. Come on you gotta eat." I grabbed her hand gently and led her into the cafe to the lunch lines. She stared at all the food with a conflicted look on her face. I heard her stomach growl.
"Now you have to eat." I chuckled. I walked up to Mrs. Johnson.
"Hey Eli my favorite goth boy." She teased. I laughed before ordering.
"Can I just get a regular peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a water and a apple?" I asked politely.
"Of course," Mrs. J smiled at me before making the sandwich. I looked behind me to find Alexis standing behind me like a scared kid. I put my arm over her shoulders and squeezed to reassure her. She handed me the tray with Alexis' food on it. I thanked her, while handing her a 5 dollar bill and grabbed Lex's hand leading her to the table.
"I already like you more then any of her past boyfriends." Cara said referring to me setting the tray in front of Alexis. I smiled at her.
"Thanks," I couldn't help but wonder about Lex's past relationships.
Alexis looked at the tray with a face full of worry. I took the plastic knife and sliced the sandwich in half. She went to grab the apple.
"Sandwich first," I said handing her a half. She smiled lightly at me before taking the half in her hands. She looked at it before taking a small bite and chewing. She was quiet as everyone filled her in on what she missed. She took bigger bites while she was listening and started eating more normally.
Lex's POV-
As I ate the sandwich it got easier to get down.
"Her whole face is still purple. I can't wait to you see it," Adam laughed talking about Clare. I started to feel bad but pushed it out of my mind and laughed with him. I was about to say something when the cafe doors open.
They revealed Alli and Clare. Clare had two black eyes that were now greenish purple. She imminently made eye contact with me and started to turn on her heel out the door. Alli grabbed her hand and led her towards our table. I felt anger boil in my stomach and my hands clenched tearing the remaining half of my sandwich in half. It fell back onto the plate. Eli grabbed both of my hands and used his finger to turn my face towards him.
"No matter how hot it was to see you beat Clare's ass. It can't happen again. At least not right now you just got back," he said to me. I felt the anger diffuse and I just wanted to hid in his arms.
"You thought that was hot"- I was cut off by Alli and Clare. They stood across the table in between Cara and Adam. Cara began to stand up but Adam pulled her down.
"We are just here to apologize," Alli said to me. Eli kept hold of my hands tightly so I couldn't tear away.
"Mr. Simpson is forcing us to apolo-" Alli put her hand over Clare's mouth.
"He isn't forcing me. But it's apart of her punishment to apologize to you. But me, I'm here to genuinely apologize. I'm sorry for helping her go through your stuff and you know the rest. I really like you Lex."- Alli was cut off by Cara.
"You don't get to call her anything but Alexis after what you did." Cara said glaring at here. Alli took a breath.
"Sorry Alexis I mean. Again I'm really sorry and I hope we can remain friends."
"Uh sure Alli I guess," I smiled lightly. Alli smiled back and then pushed Clare in front of her. Her eyes looked more purple in the light.
"I- uh Alexis I'm very sorry," she said not looking me in the eyes. It wasn't genuine. I saw Simpson leaning on the frame of the door to the cafe smiling at me. He gave me a thumbs up and I chuckled.
"Okay," I said looking at Clare.
"Okay?" She said with a tone before Alli punched her in the side. "I mean do accept my apology?"
"Nope but we can move over this and never speak to each other again." I mocked her tone. Anger flashed through her eyes before she nodded and walked away with Alli.
"Okay?!?" Cara mocked Clare loudly. I laughed along with everyone else.
Eli released his grip on my hands and put a ripped part of the sandwich back in it.
"Good job," he smiled before taking a bite of my apple. I ran one of my hands through his hair.
"Thank you Eli," I said.
"Oh yeah and you fighting her I did find really hot."

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