Chapter 12

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Alexis' POV:

"Ah shit," I said in pain as I woke up due to my head throbbing, the morning light shining on me from my window. I sat up and began to rub my eyes but immediately stopped because of a pain in my cheek.

"What the fuck," I said as I got up from my bed and over to my mirror. I pulled my sweatshirt quickly off my head and investigated myself in the mirror. A long purple green bruise ran along my right cheekbone. Memories from last night flooded into my mind, the man slapped me, then I hit my head on the table, and then he kicked me twice before I knocked out. I lifted my bangs off of my forehead only to reveal a purple bruise on the left side of my forehead.

"Jesus Christ," I muttered as I pulled the collar of my t-shirt down uncovering a huge bruise starting from my right shoulder and down to my collar bone. I ran my hands through my hair sighing not knowing what to do. I changed into black ripped skinny jeans, a white v-neck, and a black hoodie. I walked back up to my mirror and grabbed my concealer. I squeezed some of the liquid on to my finger and tried to rub it in. Even trying to gently rub it in hurt like a bitch and it would take layers and layers of the concealer to cover it up. I gave up tossing it aside and grabbing my eyeliner. I lined my eyes like normal and then put some mascara on. The door opened behind me and Cara walked in.

"Are you okay, I saw everything last night," she said softly. She knows I get tense when these kind of things happen.

"Yeah I'm fine I don't want to talk about it." I said continuing to get ready for school.

She looked at me with worry before she said, "Okay were leaving in 15."

I nodded and she walked away leaving the door open. I put socks and pulled my black high top converse on. I grabbed my backpack before going out my door and closing it. As I jogged down the stairs I pulled my hood onto my head. I don't want my mom to see. Mason was waiting for me at the front door holding two apples.

"Thanks bud," I said ruffling his hair and grabbing apple before walking to the car. Thank god Cara was already in the passenger seat. I got in the back seat closing the door quickly and pulling on my hood adjusting it. I leaned my head against the window as mom began to drive like nothing happened last night. Anger boiled inside of me as she spoke to Cara about her classes not even looking at me once. My fist clenched my lap as she laughed at Cara's jokes, smiling like her boy toy didn't just beat on her daughter last night. The ride was short and the second we pulled up to the school I got out not saying goodbye to.. anyone. I walked up Degrassi's steps and into the school. Class started in ten minutes, and kids were everywhere filling up the school. I got weird stares as I quickly walked to my locker, I felt insecure and I pulled up my hood every five seconds. Once I got to my hallway I saw Eli and Adam talking at their lockers together. I stopped in my tracks and considered just going to class without my stuff, but then I decided that was stupid. I would just keep my head down or something. For fakes sake. I walked quickly to them and then trying to open my locker quickly.

"Oh hi Alexis," Adam said giving me a weird look.

"Oh hi guys," I said pulling my head furthering into my locker shuffling through text books.

I could practically feel Eli's worried stare through the locker metal door as he pulled it away from my face, and I hid my face further into the locker.
"Whatcha doing?" Eli asked me suspicion laced in his tone.
"Getting my stuff for my classes," I said trying to be nonchalant.
Eli tugged on my shoulder gently and I gave up. I pulled my head from the locker facing Eli my face straight. Adam stood behind Eli and his eyes went wide when he saw my face, anger flashed through Eli's eyes. He looked to Adam and gave him a look that told him to leave. Adam looked from me to Eli worried but then turned to leave. Eli looked back to me his eyes full of worry, and care.

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