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Narrator's POV
Louis, Harry, Zayn, Niall and Liam all live in Cheshire. They all have been best friends for four years ever since they met at a school party.
Harry is particularly close to Liam and Niall while Zayn and Louis share a pretty close bond. It's obvious because Harry, Liam and Niall are 17 and Louis and Zayn are 18 so they get along with each other.
However Harry and Louis have always had a major attraction towards the other. They have always dreamt of being more than just friends with each other. There is constant flirting that goes on between tham as they are very clear about their sexuality and their friends and families are very accepting.

Harry's POV
I went home after school that day and immediately got to planning a gift for Louis. Louis is one of my best mates. I would love it if he was more than that but I have never been brave enough to tell that to him.

Niall and Liam know about it though. They have tried helping me but Louis seems oblivious to it. That guy seriously never takes a hint but he is very cute.
The crinkles by his eyes, his soft and plump lips, his perfect ass and his Doncaster accent. Everything about him is perfect. He gets straight A's in school and is an amazing football player. I can relate with him on that one as I also get pretty good grades and I am a part of the football team.

So as I think about what to get him for his birthday the perfect idea strikes my mind. I know how much he loves football and Lionel Messi (I think Christiano Ronaldo is better) so the gift should be perfect. My dad knows a guy who can help me.

I run down the stairs and sit beside my dad who's sat on the couch watching something on the telivision but I couldn't care less because all that's on my mind is Louis.
I look at him expectantly and wait for him to notice.
He says "What?"

"Dad, I needed some help. "

"Okay, go on." He motions with his hands telling me to continue speaking.

"So as you know that Christmas is around the corner and so is Lou's birthday. I was thinking if you can get help from your friend and maybe get a ball signed by Lionel Messi. I mean it's not that difficult, is it? You know how much he loves footie and Lionel Messi. "

Dad thought for a bit before asking,
"But why can't you get him something else? I mean is it really necessary. Won't it be extra?"

My mom walked out of the kitchen and said,"Oh come on Des! Give the kid what he wants honey. It's not like it's hard for you or anything."

I beam at my mom and face my dad again,"Please Dad! Please. It's fine if you don't get me anything for my birthday. Please!"

"Alright! Alright you drama queen. You don't need to beg so much. "
He removed him phone from his pocket and tapped on the screen a few times before placing it close to his ear.
I never thought that I could have smiled any wider or if I did I would break my jaw.

He said to the person on the other side," Hey Jonathan! Long time no talk man."

"Well I had called to ask for a favour. "
He said and explained everything to the guy who's name I guessed was Jonathan.

I was too busy in my own world to listen to his conversation.

He smiled and said,"Thank you so much! He will be so happy."
I snapped out of my daze and looked at my father.

He said, "Now what can I say? I am a great father after all. "
I hugged him tightly and ran to my room.
I sat on my bed and called Niall and Liam on a conference call.

Once they picked up I said,
"Guess who's giving Lou a football signed by Lionel Messi?"

Niall gasped and Liam said, "No way! Are you serious? "

"A hundred percent serious Li. "

Niall said, "He is going to flip out of his mind. He loves Lionel Messi. He worships him. Oh my god. Harry now I kinda wish that you had a thing for me. I might've got something as cool as that. "

I said ,"Yeah Nialler, I think you are forgetting the gift you got for your birthday huh? Someone's being ungrateful. "

Liam siad,"Stop it you two. Just think about what Louis will do when he knows."

I said, "Yeah, I know right. He will love it so much. Anyways guys, I just called you for telling that. I have my English essay due tomorrow. Ugh I hate this."

Niall said,"Oh please Mr. Smarty pants. You and Liam don't have any problem with writing it. It comes to you naturally. I am pretty sure Liam's already done with his. "

Liam said, "Yeah as a matter of fact I have."

I said,"Bye boys, I have a long night ahead of me. "

"It will be easier if you don't think about Louis all night long ya know?" Niall said

I said,"Oh shut it. "

Liam said,"Alright boys got to go. Good luck with your essays! Bye."

With that we said our byes and I hung up. I sat on the edge of my bed and smiled to myself. To be honest if a person saw me like this they'd genuinely think that I have lost it. But I don't mind. I have lost it when it comes to Louis.

I get to work at around 9:30 and by the time I finish my essay it is already 11:15 I strip to my boxers and plonk on my bed. Taking a last look at the picture of the five of us on my bedside table. I get comfortable under the covers and think about Louis as sleep takes over my body.

Words: 1008
Date: 12th October 2021

Author's note
Hey AmaZayn People.
this is the first chapter of my first ever fan fiction. I hope you guys like it. Please leave suggestions in the comments.

Thanks for reading
Love you guys

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