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Harry's POV

I got in the car and cried my heart out. I heard a knock on the window but I completely ignored it. the knocking intensified and i forced myself to look up. I saw louis banging my windows. I just shook my head at him.

I continued crying and pulled out my key from my bag. I started the car with shaky hands ad started driving. I made sure that I was driving slowly because I was in no position to drive fast. I drove away from the school as I saw a helpless looking louis in my side view mirror.

I drove for around twenty minutes before I pulled up to a place which was covered with trees. there was a small road going through the trees. I stepped out of the car and took my bag. I started walking along the very small lane going through the trees.

before long I saw a small lake. I used to come here with my parents and Gemma every weekend when I was little. we use drove have a lot of fun but things changed with time. I took my phone and inserted my earphones in it.

I listened to some songs for I don't know how long because soon it was pretty dark. I went to my home and took a cold shower.

I then completed my homework for the day. I went downstairs and made myself a sandwich. this was one of the many reasons why I lived at my parent's place sometimes. I do not have to cook there.

I ate my dinner and sat on the couch. I started the television and watched some stupid cartoon for some time before I started feeling sleepy.

I turned off the television and locked all the doors and windows. there had been a robbery in the neighborhood and I was very paranoid about it. so every night before going to sleep I used to lock everything.

I went to my room and stripped to my boxers. I snuggled under the covers and fell asleep.

I made my way to the janitors room. I opened the door and my heart stopped.
I saw louis and Tyler kissing each other. it was almost like deja vu. I have gotten so used to walking in on my boyfriend kissing some other guy and it feels like it happens only to me.

Louis pulled back and looked at me. He smirked at me and said, "Hey there harry."

Tyler turned around and grinned widely. he wrapped an arm around louis' waist and pulled louis closer to him.

Louis turned to Tyler and kissed him again. Tyler pulled back and smiled at louis.

"I love you" louis said to Tyler

"I love you too" Tyler said and louis blushed

"but you are my boyfriend louis" I said and my voice broke.

"huh? since when am I your boyfriend?" louis questioned "I am Tyler's boyfriend"

"no you're not. remember I took you out on a date "

"Oh shut up harry. you never took me on a date. now get lost"

"no louis that's not true"
"louis, louis, LOUIS"

I woke up from my nightmare. I had sweat all over my forehead and my palms were sweat. was that a dream or a vision. I hope that it was just a dream. I can't see louis with anyone else.

I check the te and see that it is almost time for me to get up. I walk to my dresser and pick out my outfit for the day. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. after the shower I got ready for school and had my breakfast.

I took my bag, phone, house keys and car keys. I locked my house and walked to my car. I realised that I won't be picking louis up o the way. I drove straight to school.

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