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Harry's POV
Louis and I sat there for a while after which I removed my bag and pulled a key out of it. I handed it to Louis who gave me a confused look.

"I always have a spare key to your house" I said. He gave me a smile and got up. He unlocked his house and asked me to get in.

"Stay for a bit please" He said as I was about to leave.

I looked at him and smiled and
asked," you sure?"
He nodded and gave me a smile. We sat on his couch and watched a movie. He gave me some snacks to eat. After a while he fell asleep on my shoulder. I decided to leave while he was asleep because I knew that as soon as he will wake up he will ask me to stay.

I laid his head on a cushion and pressed a kiss to his forehead. I was about to leave when I heard shuffling from the couch. Louis' eyes fluttered open and he looked at me.

I said," I was about to leave. You should go to sleep. You look tired."

"Yeh I haven't been getting my sleep for the past week or so that's why I fall asleep everywhere." He replied.

"Why haven't you been sleeping? " I asked

He just frowned and did not reply but it was enough for me to notice. I scooted closer to him and put my arms around his body and engulfed him in a hug. I started crying because I felt guilty. I felt guilty of depriving him of his sleep and making him miserable. I sniffed and hitched.

I said,"I am very sorry Louis. But I thought that you did not like me and I was heartbroken. I needed to move on. I could not stay stuck up on something that I thought that I was never going to get. I am so so sorry. I cannot see you like this I am -"

"Don't apologise haz it's fine. I was the one at fault. Not you. And to be honest I have grown an attraction towards you since the first day. I have never been brave enough to tell you this. I respect the fact that you are in a relationship now. That's why I will stay away. I don't want to spoil anything for you and for Josh. You both are very happy with each other and deserve each other's love. "

We broke apart from our hug. Both in tears and having bloodshot eyes. I smiled at him and said ,"thank you Louis."

I got up with Louis and I hugged him. After that I left his house and started walking towards my car that was still in Josh's drive way.

I remembered that I had Josh's jacket in my car and I had forgotten to give it to him. I decide to surprise him with the jacket so I unlocked his door and walk in. I check the living room and the kitchen when I hear shuffling from his room upstairs.

I quickly go up the stairs and opened his door with a huge smile on my face. The smile drops as soon as I open the door. What I see makes me want to punch Josh. I see him and another guy snogging on his bed in a heated make out session.

Josh looked at me and said, "Harry it's not what it looks like"

I said, ''So you are not making out with someone?" In an annoyed tone. "I was here to give you this you cheater!" I said waving the jacket in my hand.
I threw it at him and yelled, "We're over"

I ran out of his house and quickly sat in my car. I buckled my seat belt and drove to my house. I wanted to go to mum's house but I decided against it considering what had just happened I thought they I needed to be alone for a while.

I sprawled on my couch and hurried my face in a pillow. I let out some tears when I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and wiped my tears with the back of my hand. I opened the door to reveal a happy Louis. His smile instantly turned upside down as soon as he saw my condition. He stepped in and removed his shoes.

He said, "I went to your mum's house to give you your phone. you forgot it back at my place but she said that you weren't there so I came here instead. What happened? Why were you crying Haz?" He asked handing me my phone.

My heart did little jumps in my chest as he used the nickname 'Haz'

I said, "thanks lou but I don't know what you are talking about . I wasn't crying."

"You know you cannot lie to me. I know you too well. You are a open book for me." He said

I blushed as he said that. He did know me very well. But I shook my head in order to say that I was completely fine and he did not need to worry about anything. He placed his fingers under my chin and forced me to look at him. I looked at him, straight in his eyes. His big blue crystal eyes.

"Talk to me" he demanded

"Josh cheated on me. I saw him kissing some other guy when I went to his house to give him his jacket that he left in my car."

He pulled me in a tight hug and made soothing circles on my back. I instantly cried with my head buried in his neck.

"Shush Haz Shush. Don't cry, maybe he did not deserve you. Shush."

"I know that I have been dating him only for a few days not but did I really deserve to be cheated on?" I ask

"No Haz no, you are one of the best boyfriends I've ever seen. The way you treated Josh was unbelievable. He does not deserve you. You deserve better, way better than him. I am so sorry you have to go through all this. I promise things will get better." He reassured me. He really new how to make me feel better.

words: 1062
date: 6 November 2021

Author's note
hey guys,
4th chapter. so tell me what you feel about it.
love you guys.
thanks for reading.

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