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Harry's POV

I was stood outside my boyfriend's house. oh my god it felt so good to call him that. it has just been a day since I asked him to be my boyfriend but my life feels so much more better even though it is such a short period of time.

he opened the door and pulled me in for a long morning kiss. we intertwine our fingers and walk to my car. we open the doors and sit inside. the drive to school was in a comfortable silence.

we reach school in around five minutes. as we get out of the car and start moving towards the school as we hear someone call out " Louis "

we both turn around to see Tyler running towards us. I look at louis and he has a smile on his face. Tyler approaches closer and as he comes up to us louis leaves my hand and engulfs his in a tight hug. I feel a pang of jealousy in my chest and look away.

as they part from their hug, they both have smiles o their faces.

"it's so good to see you again lou" Tyler says and I mentally grimace at his use of louis' pet name.

"you too ty" louis said

what in the hell, they have nicknames for each other. this is just great.

Louis turns to me and says," Tyler this is my boyfriend Harry, Harry this is my ex boyfriend and friend Tyler." He motions his hand in between the two of us.

I put my hand out and he grabbed my hand and shaped it firmly, "Tyler Maker" He said

"Harry Styles" I replied

we let go of each other's hand and I intertwined my fingers with louis'. Tyler eyed our hands and then looked at Louis,"see you again lou. harry." I nodded at him and he left.

Louis looked at me and I smiled at him. he knew it was a forced smile but shrugged it of. we entered the school and saw Liam, Niall and Zayn walking towards us.

" Morning boys" louis and I said I unison.

"good morning" zayn said

"hello boys, good morning. how are you all this morning?" Niall said with his over exceeding energy

"absolutely fine nialler. whre do you get all that energy from so early in the morning?" I ask

"naturally I guess" He said and shrugged

liam whispered something to zayn and Niall and zayn, all the three of them eyed our intertwined hands. we let go of our hands and blushed deeply.

liam said, "anything you guys want to tell us?"

he raised an eyebrow and looked at us expectantly.

"we're" louis said

their jaws dropped and Niall gulped audibly. "this is a joke right?" zayn asked and caused me to laugh. I pulled louis towards me and kissed him. as we pulled back I saw Niall's face full of excitement.

"I have waited for this day my whole entire life. I shipped you guys so hard. finally Larry stylinsonis real. let's go. I am throwing a party to the entire school. yayyy" He jumped around and did a little victory dance. he started vocalizing random songs and tunes.

zayn and Liam were observing Niall and had a fond smile. they turned to us and Liam said,"we are so happy for you guys, you are perfect for each other"

zayn nodded and said,"absolutely."

we said,"thank you so much"we said.

after saying our byes we parted and louis and I went to our locker. we first went to mine and I picked my math books and louis picked his as well. we had math together so we went to the class and sat down in the benches.

the class went normally other than the one time when the class started to fight on who farted. we laughed so hard during that time. even the teacher wasn't able to hold in his laughter.

after the class louis and I had to part but luckily for me I had the next class with niall. the bad part of it was that Josh was also in the same class.

Niall and I made our way to the class. there was only one person in the class. Josh. I went and sat o the last bench away from Josh. Josh stood up and sat beside me.

"Harry, I am very sorry for what I did. I realize my mistake and I repent what I did." He said

"forget it" I said and looked back at the book that I was reading

"harry please give me another chance I will make sure that you won't regret it." He pleaded

"Josh, I am sorry. I have moved on. I have an amazing boyfriend now. I am willing to accept you back as a friend but we will never be anything more than that. " I replied

"Well, that's at least better than nothing. ok harry, we are friends now. thank you " He said. I nodded and smiled at him. he stood back up and went back to his seat. the class passed by quickly.

After one week

It had been a week since louis and I had started dating. it was going exceptionally well. I was currently sat in my class. at the end of the class I messaged louis.

Me: next lecture is lunch, meet me in the janitors room. want to tell you something :D. xx

He replied in a few minutes.

BooBear: okay baby. will wait there :*

I pocketed my phone and as if on que the bell rang. I packed all my stuff and put my bag over my shoulder. as I was moving out of the class, a friend of mine class Sarah asked for some help on a Mathematics sum. I quickly helped her and rushed out of the class.

I made my way to the janitors room. I opened the door and my heart stopped.
I saw louis and Tyler kissing each other. it was almost like deja vu. I have gotten so used to walking in on my boyfriend kissing some other guy and it feels like it happens only to me.

I run out of the room with a loud bang of the door. I run to the closest bathroom and entered a stall. I then lock the stall and drop to the ground crying. I hear the bathroom door open and louis' voice rung through the washroom.

"haz are you here?" He asked

"go away" I yelled

"haz please open the door. I can explain. I want to talk to you"

"don't you dare call me that and what's there to explain huh? just go"

"okay then, I won't go until you open the door and I will sit here till you come out and let me talk to you."louis said.

"no louis, just go away for fuck's sake " I yelled.

after a few minutes I got up and opened the door. I ignored louis and went to the door. I yanked it open and ran put of the washroom. I ignored louis running after me. I ignored his calling my name. I ignored the people in the hallway. I ignored everything and just ran to my car parked in the parking lot.

I got in the car and cried my heart out. I heard a knock on the window but I completely ignored it. the knocking intensified and i forced myself to look up. I saw louis banging my windows. I just shook my head at him.

words: 1263
date: 10th November 2021

Author's note
Hey guys
I hate Tyler
anyways, chapter 7
hope you guys like it
thank you 4 reading
love you guyss

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