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Louis' POV
it's my birthday. yay not. harry doesn't even remember. I was so mad at him. I know his is February 1st but he doesn't remember mine.

I go downstairs in the kitchen without even bothering to put on a t-shirt. I was greeted by my family members and mom had made waffles for breakfast them being my favorite breakfast.

my mom served me a plate and hugged me. she said,"happy birthday baby boy" and kissed my head.

I said,"thank you mom."

I had my breakfast and went in the living room. the entire living room was decorated and filled with gifts for me. without touching any of my gifts I simply sit down on the couch.

lottie came in the living room and saw me simply sitting on the couch staring at my gifts. she sat beside me.

"what's wrong loulou" she asks

"nothing" i said

"louis I know you too well. tell me."she insisted

"harry doesn't remember my birthday." I said and looked at her. she smiled at me and brought me in for a hug.

"Oh lou, it will be alright" see said and rubbed circle on my back. that's when the door bell rang.

"way to spoil a cute brother and sister moment. I'll get it" i said and got up.

I opened the door to reveal none other than harry. I immediately frowned.

he said,"hi BooBear" in his cheery and deep voice.

"hey" I said

"what's wrong baby?" He asked

"nothing" I said quietly

"did someone forget your birthday lou?" He asked

"yes yo- HARRY" I yelled at him

he started laughing hysterically and I just pouted. when he stopped and looked at me he said, "you look adorable when you pout."

"Shut up" I said and crossed my arms over my chest

"happy birthday loubear" He said and came forward. 

he took my hands in his and said,"I am so thankful for this day, otherwise my long time crush, now boyfriend and the love of my life would not have been born. all these days of knowing you and now dating you, I have realized something. I have realized how you have become a part of my life. how you have become the other part of my heart. I have realized how you have changed me. I have realizedthat I love an absolutely cute, adorable and kind boobear. I love you louis."

"I love you too harry" I said with tears in my eyes.

he then pulled me into a soft and gentle kiss. his hands were around my waist while my hands were around his neck. be deepend the kiss and swiped his tongue across my lips. I gave him access and he slid his tongue in my mouth. we fought for dominance but he won. I swear I am the dominant one in our relationship. I mean obviously. after a while we both pulled back in need of air.

"I have a gift for you. let me get it. go inside and wait" He said and I complied.

I entered my house with a large goofy smile and lottie immediately noticed
"so should I take it as harry remembers your birthday?" She asked and smirked.

"yeah whatever" I said and tried holding back the smile but could not help it.

harry came in through the door just a second later with a big box and a small box.

he said,"you've got amazing acting skills lots"

"what should I say. it comes naturally to me"she replied.

when the realization struck me i turned to my sister and said, "you knew"

she said,"pretty much, yeah" and shrugged

harry and lottie started laughing at me.

"yeah, you guys are real funny" and rolled his eyes.

harry came to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from the back. he said,"Oh loulou sorry" and kissed my cheek repeatedly.

"it's fine, it's fine" I said

"Ok now to the gifts" He said

he took me by my hand and sat me on the couch. he sat beside me and put both the boxes on the table in front of us.

"the bigger one first " He said

I said,"okay" and started opening the bigger box. I first removed the paper wrapping on it. it revealed a cardboard box. I opened the cardboard box to find a football. I removed the football from the box and examined it properly. while turning the ball around I came across a signature. I turned the ball so the signature was facing me. I traced it with my thumb.

I asked, "harry is this actually signed by Lionel Messi?"

he just nodded his head and I jumped in his arms. I repeated 'thank you so very much.' 'i love you so much'

he just smiled and pecked me on my cheek. he said, "open the second one babe."

I did as he said and repeated the former procedure. the box had a key inside. harry intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled me. he took me outside and stood me in front of a car.

"what?" I asked

he took my hand which was holding the key and pressed a button on the key. the car in front of me beeped.

"no you did not" I said in disbelief

"I guess I did" he said with a wide smile.

"harry no, that's so expensive"

"louis if you don't remember my mom and dad own a car company" He said

"Oh harry. this was unnecessary" I said

"just enjoy the gift" He said.

I hugged the literal life out of him. he hugged me back with the same intensity.

after some time I showed my family my new car. it was so awesome just to say that. my mother and my sisters freaked out and told me how I had to drop them everywhere. Great.

harry then told me to take him for a ride. I immediately agreed and we sat in the car. I put on my seatbelt and started the car.

"now I won't get to drive with you to school, will I?" He asked

"we can make it alternate days, can't we?" I asked

"course we can baby, come on now start driving" He replied.

after we came back from the drive we went to my room and played something on my xbox.  after an hour of playing Xbox harry said,"I'm tired of winning now." he flopped on my bed and laid on his back.

I rolled my eyes and switched off the Xbox. I walked to my bed and laid on top of him. I crossed my arms over his chest and rested my chin on the back of my hands. he wrapped his arms around my chest. I tangled my hands in his messy curls. he leaned down and kissed me.

I crawled up so that our faces were on the same level. I crushed my lips on his and he moaned in pleasure. I did a victory dance in my mind at the sound of his. I deepend the kiss and received the same in return. he swiped his tongue on my lips. when I did not give him the access he squeezed my sides. my mouth opened at it and he slipped his tongue in. our tongues danced together fighting for dominance. I won this time or maybe he let me win. my tongue moved through his mouth.

we pulled back panting in the need of air. I crawled back down and placed my cheek on his chest. I was able to hear his heartbeat. i fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

words: 1279
date: 15 November 2021

Author's Note
Hey guys!!
I am currently sat in my online class and my teacher said L x H. I stopped writing for a second and got so confused lmfao

N E ways
chapter 9
hope you like it.
thanks for reading
Love you guys

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