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Louis' POV
I can't sleep. Knowing that Harry is probably so happy and has had an amazing date. He maybe even asked Josh to be his boyfriend. I am devastated. I have not been able to stop crying. These things have been on my mind constantly. As soon as I came home lottie figured out that I was upset. She asked me what happened and I broke down while narrating it to her. Lottie is currently holding me and I am crying in my younger sister's arms. God I am such a crybaby.

Why did I do that? Why am I such an idiot? The one thing that I've always wanted was coming true. Why did I stop it? I can't get my mind off him. I slowly drift of to sleep with all these thoughts scattering my mind.

The next morning when I woke up I had a headache and my eyes were swollen. I quickly went through my routine and skipped breakfast. On my way out I saw Harry's car parked at a distance from my home. I saw Harry walk out of a house hand in hand with Josh and then I remembered that Josh lived like two houses down from mine. Great. Can this day get any better. I start walking with my head down low.

I looked in his car and saw them kissing. I felt tears running down my cheeks and I started running towards my school.

When I reached I saw Harry and Josh in the parking lot. Harry's hands around Josh's waist and his hands around Harry's neck. He pressed a kiss on Josh's lips and interwined their fingers.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked behind to see Zayn giving me an empathetic smile.
"You okay Lou?" He asked

"Do I look okay to you?" I said motioning over myself.

He pulled me in for a tight hug and whispered comforting words to me. I pulled back and walked to the school doors and dazed out through all the lectures.

During lunch I was sat at my usual table. After a few minutes Harry walked to our table with Josh's hand in his hand.

"Hey guys is it fine if Josh sits with us?" He asked

Liam and Niall shrugged and Zayn looked at me. I also shrugged.
Liam said,"yeah it's fine I guess"

Harry beamed at Liam and mouthed 'thank you' and received a nod and smile in return. Josh and Harry sat down and were in their own little world. Josh said something to Harry making Harry smile and laugh a little while later. He pressed a kiss to Josh's lips.

After lunch we had football practice.
I got to the gym where Harry and a few other lads were already seated. I looked at him and quickly got to work. I changed to my football uniform. We all walked out on the field and I saw Josh sitting in the stands. He beamed as he saw Harry. Harry ran to him and had a conversation with him. At the end he placed a kiss on his lips and walked back towards the field.

We played for a while and it helped me get my mind off of Harry. I liked that feeling a bit but I soon remembered and was brought back to my senses.

After football I spent the rest of the day in a haze. As I was leaving the school building I saw Josh leaning on Harry's car and waiting for him. I looked at him and shot him death glares. Harry approached him and pulled him m into a long passionate kiss.

They pulled back and got in Harry's car. I started walking to my house as Harry's car zoomed past me. As I got home I took a much needed nap.

As I woke up I saw that I had been sleeping since the past 3 hours. I quickly got to work because I had some homework to do. I completed my homework and as I had not thing to do my brain went back to pictures of Josh and Harry kissing.

I take my football and leave my house. I started walking towards the football field. I walked past Josh's house and saw Harry's car in his drive way. After a second Harry and Josh came out of the house. Tears prickled my eyes and almost on cue Harry kissed Josh and they said their byes. Harry turned around and saw me across the road. His smile dropped instantly. I wiped my tears. Harry got inside his car and drived away.

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