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Louis' POV
I wake up to little girly shouts and feel two small bodies on me. My sister's Daisy and Phoebe are trying to wake me up as they arescreaming,"Pancakes" and jumping on me.

"Good Morning LouLou" Daisy says and Phoebe repeats after her.

"Good morning girls" I say as I kiss both of them on their foreheads and get down from my bed.

I take my phone and beam at the wallpaper which is a cute photo of Harry and myself. I edited the photo to make us look closer than we actually were. I know creepy but I can't help it. I have had a crush on him since the past 3 years but I have never been brave enough to confess it.

No one except for Zayn who is my best friend and Lottie,my sister know about it. My family knows about me being gay and they are quite accepting.

I see that I have a message from Harry.
I open it faster than you can say fast.

Hazza: Good Morning Lou. Rise and Shine. Ready for an amazing day? Will be waiting outside your house in 20 xx

I blush deeply at the two kisses at the end of the message.

Me: Good Morning Haz. Of course I am ready! I'm up now and will wait out in 20. Thanks for the ride to school everyday. Just until I get my own car. Saving up! xx

I debate on wether u should add another kiss but it would seem too desperate so I don't.

I walk to my closet and pick an outfit and head to the bathroom. I come out in 5 minutes and look at my phone expecting a text from Harry. I frown when I see no notifications but I hear my phone beep so I beam and grab it. It was a message from Harry again.

Hazza: Good, someone's energetic this morning. No need to thank me. I needed company and you needed a ride so it's a win win. Don't get a new car. I won't be able to go to school with you then. Anyways I'll meet you in 10. xx
P.s. no cereal at my place. Guess who's starting the day without breakfast!!

Me: Alright we will see when I save up enough money. Come by right now and have breakfast with me. Mum has made pancakes. I know how much you love them. Don't start the day without breakfast. You'll be grumpy all day. Just because you look cute when you are angry doesn't mean that you have to be angry all day. xx

Hazza: Okay okay. Coming rn. See u in a bit. Sorry for being a bother. xx

Me: Shut up... U are no bother. My mum likes you more than she likes me. She'll give you my breakfast if needed. xx

Hazza: That she does xx

I smile brightly at the screen when Lottie snaps me out of my trance

"Harry?" She asks

"Yup" I say popping the p
She just smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Mums calling you downstairs you lovestruck idiot" she says and leaves my room.

I know that it is true but I said,"Shut up"

I heard a knock at my door and ran down to open it because I was sure that it was Harry.

I skipped two steps at a time and yelled,"I'll get it"

I opened the door and saw the cutest person ever. Harry was standing at the door and smiling widely showing his dimples. I could have melted if it was humanly possible.

I showed no hesitation and quickly pulled him in for a tight hug and he instantly hugged me back. I melted in his touch but pulled back as I came back to my senses.

I said,"come on in"

"Mum is it fine if Harry has breakfast here. He did not have any cereal left back at his place"

My mom beamed at Harry,"of course dear."

I could swear that she likes him more than me. Not that I'm complaining.

She served Harry 4 pancakes while I got 3 (told ya) and maple syrup. We quickly ate up and after we were done we left for school.

We quickly walked out of my door and Harry held my hand. I felt shivers but gripped his hand. He led me to where he had parked his car. He opened the door for me and let go of my hand. I slid in the passenger seat and he got in the car. He looked at me and smiled.

He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We used to do that all the time as friends but I got goosebumps everytime.

He started driving and I put my hand on his. It took courage but I did it anyway.

He pulled up in the school parking and we were 5 min before time. He looked at me and I looked at him. My eyes travelled up and down his eyes and lips. He did the same thing and before I knew it we were both leaning in and pur lips were caught in a kiss.

Our lips moved together when I realised that this was my best friend I was kissing. I pulled back harshly not knowing why I did that. Maybe I did not want to loose our friendship.

I looked at him and he gave me a confused look. I unlocked the door and ran away.

Harry's POV
~1 Week Later~
I was heartbroken when Louis kissed me and left. I felt betrayed. It's been a week since then and I have cried myself that sleep everyday. I did not go to school for 3 days straight but I realised that either today or tomorrow I would have to face him.

He stopped talking to me and ignored me. He did not even acknowledge my presence. I blew Niall and Liam off when I had plans to hang out with them. They truly help me many times but now I decided that I would help my self.

I went to school that day as a completely different person. Not the broken person that I was all week long. I am one of the popular people of our school so I got attention as soon as I entered. I went and sat in my class. After a few class it was lunch.

I sat at my usual table. Louis was also there but I decided not to give him any attention. Instead I went on and talked to Liam and Niall.

"Mate you alright?" Niall asked in his deep Irish accent.

"Yup, couldn't get better" I said and beamed at him showing my dimples. I looked at Louis who gave me a confused look and looked pretty broken himself.

I finished my lunch pretty quickly and walked to Josh's table. Josh was in the same year as me and was very good looking. He just wasn't Louis but I liked him. I sat beside him and he shifted uncomfortably.

I put my hand on his back, leaned to his ear and whispered,"will you go out on a date with me?"

He asked, "me?"

I nodded like it was the most obvious thing. He said ,"of course, I'd love to."

I said,"good, be ready at 8, I'll pick you up from your house."

I nodded and pressed a long kiss to his cheek. I knew that Louis was watching me. I stood up and went back to my table with a smile on my face.

"Why are you so happy?" Zayn asked

"I am going on a date with Josh" I answered with a huge smile on my face

They all looked at me with open mouths and wide eyes. Louis looked hurt. But he had hurt me. So I did not care. Or maybe I did but I did not want to care.

~Later that night~
I was stood on Josh's doorstep and was dropping him off after our date. We looked at each other and kissed deeply. I liked this guy a lot. He was really sweet, funny, kind and adorable. His blue eyes reminded me of Louis but his blonde hair reminded me that he wasn't Louis.

I pulled back softly and asked,"I know that we have just had our first date and I don't want to rush things, but would you like to be my boyfriend?"

He nodded his head and my lips found his again. I was happy and so was he.

I left his house and went back to mine and after a long time I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Words: 1458
Date: 3rd November 2021

Author's note
Hey People!
what's good?
here's a second chapter, I hope you like it. please leave suggestions.

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