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Harry's POV

Louis stayed with me for 2 hours after he found out what happened. I laid in his arms for 2 hours and we just talked about random stuff that got my mind off of Josh. He talked to me about football and studies and then we argued on who was a better football player -Lionel Messi or Christiano Ronaldo- but the fight had no outcome at all. I decided to bring up his birthday that was coming in a week or so.

"So Lou what have you got planned for your birthday?" I asked

"I don't really know. Maybe a party or a get-together or something of those sorts was what I was thinking. But you gotta tell me what are you gifting me this year huh?" He said with a cheeky smile.

"Ooh! I haven't thought about it yet so..." I said

"Hey don't lie, I overheard your conversation with Li where in you were saying that it is going to be something extraordinary and that I'll love it. Does he know what the gift is?" Louis said and I knew at that moment that I was caught.

"Okay okay, I have planned something and yes both Li and Nialler know about it. I told them over a phone call as soon as I decided the gift but Liam decided to bring it up during school. But I won't be telling you. It's a surprise. I can't tell it to you. Sorry." I said with a grin. He looked upset when I said that I won't tell him about the gift.

"You know very well that I hate such surprises Harry. Now I will be stuck up on it all the time." He said and pouted. Him pouting was the cutest thing ever. He looked like and adorable puppy when he pouted. I wanted to kiss his pout away but we weren't there yet so I couldn't do that. Yet.

"Trust me you'll love this one" I said cheekily.

Time flew by and it was time for him to leave. I did not want him to go but very well knew that Jay would be worried if he didn't leave now.

Louis' POV
"Please Liam. Niall at least you can tell me, can't you. Please guys. I wasn't able to sleep last night thinking about it" it was the next day and I was practically begging Liam and Niall to tell me about the gift. If not tell me just drop subtle hints.

"No way Louis" Niall said

"Harry will kill us and trust me I don't wanna die so soon" Liam said. I rolled my eyes at his statement and groaned.

The bell rang which indicated us that the next lecture was about to begin. I let out a huff and whined, "I hate you guys." I moved toward my class and notice that I share this class with Harry.

I walk in and move towards Harry. I sit down next to him and play with his curls. He looked at me and shot one of his dimply smiles. He was so cute. I wanted to kiss him there and then.

Befor I knew what was happening I blurted out, "Will you go on a date with me?"

"What?" He asked

"W-will you?" I repeated

"Of course Lou" he said beaming at me.

I smiled at him and said, "great be ready outside your house at 8 today. I'll pick you up."

With that we stopped talking as the teacher entered and started teaching. We exchanged smiles throughout the class.

After the class ended I got a call and had to leave immediately in order to take it. I would normally haven't done that but it was important. I had not received a call from this certain person in the last two years.

It was a call from my ex boyfriend Tyler. I wanted to avoid it but I knew that this was the first time that he was trying to contact me in the past 3 years after our break up.

I rushed out of the classroom and picked up the call. As the previous lecture was the last one for the day I took my bag and jacket and left the school building.

I picked it up and said, "Hello?" It came out more like a question

"Hey Louis, I did not think that you would pick up to be honest." Tyler said.

I said, " Ya, we haven't talked in a long time you know. It all changed after you went to America. How's all going on there?"

"Well it was all good back there but I'm back in Cheshire. I came back this morning. Considering that you had school I called you right now. My dad got a transfer back offer and we took it. I am joining school back from tomorrow Louis." He said with sheer happiness in his voice. I couldn't help but smile. Tyler was a great guy. Well he was no harry but he still was a good person.

"That's great news, I am excited to see you, anyways I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow T. Bye." I said and ended the call.

I was still thinking about Tyler when I saw harry leaning on his car in the parking lot. As soon as he saw me he raised his hand and motioned me to go there. I went there and stood beside him.

"Wassup" I asked him.

"nothing much, want a ride?" He asked

"ya, let's go" I replied and slid in the front seat. I was lost in my thoughts when harry broke the silence

"what's on your mind lou" He asked

"umm, it's nothing really. its just that I received a call from Tyler. he is back in Cheshire."

"Tyler as in your ex boyfriend who moved to America?"

I nodded and he visibly stiffened. I put a hand on his hand. I looked at him and gave him a reassuring smile.

"umm Lou, we're still on for our date right?" harry asked. his voice sounded very unsure.

"of course haz." after a pause I said,"haz, just because Tyler has come back from America does not change anything and besides, he was in my past and I highly doubt that the both of us will feel the same about each other. okay?"

he looked at me and smiled. he said,"thanks louis, you know what, you are the only person who can read me like a open book. I did not tell you anythingbut you instantly knew that something was up"

"Yeah, I guess I can read you very well" I said.

He pulled up in the drive way of my house and looked at me.

I said, "thanks a lot for this harry"

"just a simple thank you won't do" He said cheekily and pointed to his cheek with his index finger.

I leaned and kissed his cheek lovingly, letting my lips linger a bit longer than necessary.

"bye haz, be ready at 8" I said with a grin

"bye loulou" He replied

words: 1184
date: 9th November 2021

Author's note:
so, hello
chapter five. hope you like it. live you guys

thanks for reading

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