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~8 Months later~

Louis' POV
Harry and I have recently celebrated our 8 month anniversary. He took me on a date and then we went skinny dipping. it was really fun.

currently we were sitting in his room and I was helping him with his homework. not that he needed any help but because he was acting like a child and asking me to help him.

"Lou I don't understand this" He said in a childish voice. oh god. he was so cute.

"I already taught it to you. twice." I replied.

"pwease loulou " He said.

I leaned and gave him a peck on his lips. he closed his books and stood up. he straddled my lap and started kissing me.

after a make out session we both pulled back because of the need for air. he got up and motioned for me to get up as well.
"come on quick" He said

"harry it still hurts" I said wincing at the pain

"Oh baby. come here" he said and lifting me bridal style.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he carried me downstairs. he put me on the couch and went to the kitchen.

"tea?" He asked from the kitchen.

"yes please" i replied. I closed my eyes and rested on the couch.

after a while I heard a clink of glass and then a body resting on my. I opened my eyes and saw harry looking at me.

"are you still in pain baby" He asked

"yes" I said.

he crawled up and kissed me gently.

"I'm sorry baby" He said

"don't say sorry baby, I loved it." I said

just then the doorbell rang. harry whined and got up. he opened the door and was greeted by Niall,Liam and zayn.

they came in the living room and I made place for them to sit on the couch. they sat down and greeted me.

after some time Niall and Liam wanted to play pool in Harry's game room. everyone agreed but I was worried on how I was supposed to get there with the excruciating pain.

they got up and Niall said,"Lou are you not coming?"

"no, I'm coming. harry help me"

he smirked and walked to me. he lifted me up and started carrying me. after he put me down near the pool table I looked at Liam, Niall and zayn. they looked like they were going to burst out from laughter. the first person to start laughing was Niall followed by Liam and then zayn. I frowned and sat on a chair. I felt two hands wrap around me from the back and I smelled the most amazing and my favorite smell of all.

"Stop being mean you guys" He said

"so louis, are you sore from last night?" zayn asked with a smirk.

"you're really funny zayn" I replied

"but you are, aren't you?" Niall insisted

"yes Niall, I am" I replied sternly

"louis is so amazing in bed. he takes it so well and he really knows how to work with his mouth. it is so hot. I'll record a video the next time if you guys want it" harry said sarcastically

"Oh we don't want to know about your sexual life okay" Liam said with a grimace

"ya exactly" Niall said with a disgusted look on his face

"if you are not interested in our sexual life then don't tease my lou" harry said in a stern voice.

"kay" Niall and Liam muttered.

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