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Louis' POV
Fifteen minutes to seven. I am already panicking. God. I hope this goes smoothly. I jump out of my bed and call Lottie upstairs to help me. She comes in the door with a huge grin on her face.

"what?" I asked her

"so, did someone finally grew the balls to ask their long time crush on a date huh?" She asked and smirked

"language lottie, and yes I asked harry on a date and you are helping me get ready for it."

"now now, you are not going to get that for free, you need to pay up big brother" she said with a smirk on her face

"lots please don't do this." i sighed and said "okay what do you want?" I asked

"uhm, let's see. how about you do all my chores for a week and buy me a new Iphone. it's not like you can't afford it you have a lot of money to be honest."

"lottie, you know that I have been saving up for a car! why are you doing this to me?"

She gave me a knowing look and I said,"okay okay. I'll do it. you have a deal." I said. right now my main priority was to get ready for this date and I could've done anything for it.

she quickly ran to my closet and threw some clothes at me. without any further  questioning I went to the washroom and wore those clothes.

she had given me a white button up shirt, red cotton trousers and red suspenders. I looked fairly well. I wore my white vans to go with the shirt.

"you look really good lou" lottie said

"thanks " I replied

I checked my phone and saw that it was 8:20. I also saw that I had a message from Harry.

I opened the message

Hazza: I'm here lou xx

Me: coming xx

hazza: waiting :) xx

I ran downstairs and opened my door. I saw Harry's car parked outside. I walked to his car and said, "come on get out and go sit I the passanger seat. I am driving.  I don't want to tell you where we are going."

He pouted but complied. I sat in the driver's seat and fastened my seat belt. I drove to the location. it was an italian restaurant. I  liked dinner dates and so I decided on this restaurant.

we made their way inside and i walked upto the man who had a notepad and pen in his hand.

I said, "reservation for tomlinson. "

he checked the list and and put a tick against my name. "follow me" He said.

he led us to the back and out through a door revealing a harden and a table with two chairs I the center of the garden.

as we got closer and we got a better look of the table Harry's eyes lit up and he beamed at me. the table had a candle in the center and rose petals spread all around on the table as well as on the grass.

I stepped ahead and pulled a chair for harry to sit. harry blushed at the gesture and sat ont he chair. I then went to my chair and sat down on it.

"so, how is it?" I asked harry

"just like you, absolutely perfect" He said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"aww haz, thank you babe" I said and he blushed even more when I called him babe

after giving our order and talking for a while harry said, "so have you heard from Tyler after that?"

"no, he just called me to inform me that he was back in Cheshire and that he was joining school from tomorrow.  that's mainly all, I have talked to him other than that." I replied

he just nodded and continued his dinner.

after the diner was over harry dropped me back to my house and walked me to my door. we stood there looking at each other and before I knew it we were both leaning in and within th next few seconds our lips were caught in a kiss. our lips mounded perfectly and moved in a sync. he grabbed my waist and I put my arms around his neck. I pulled back and saw a huge grin on Harry's face and even I could not hold back a small smile.

"will you be my boyfriend" harry asked me

"I'd be honored" I replied with a smirk.

he pulled me in for another kiss which was much like the previous one but a little shorter.

we said our goodbyes and may or may not have kissed again. I walked in the house with a huge uncontrollable smile on my face and Lottie seemed to have noticed it immediately.

"how'd it go?" She asked me

"Well, let's just aay that you are looking at harry styles' new boyfriend now" I said with pride lacing my tone.

before I knew it, lottie was hugging me as tight as humanly possible ad repeating the word ,'oh my God','oh my God' and 'I'm so happy for you'.

I smiled at how happy she was. she also called herself a 'Larry shipper'. I swear to god, teenagers these days.

I them went to my bedroom and changed my clothes and got comfortable under the sheets. I took my phone and saw that I had a message from Harry.

Hazza: I reached home :) xx

me: Good :* xx

hazza: do you realise that you just put three kisses in the previous message :P xx

me: oh yeah, i did :P xx

hazza: what are you upto right now? xx

me: just about to go to sleep xx

hazza: okayy xx

me: goodnight baby xx

hazza: goodnight loulou, see ya tomorrow xx

I switched off my phone and kept it on my bedside table and my mind was clouded with thoughts of me and harry.

with all those thoughts in my mind I slowly drifted of into deep sleep. I slept with a smile on my face. I genuinely felt like the happiest person alive on that day.

Words: 1023
Date: 10 November 2021

Author's note
hello extraordinharry people
here's chapter 6
thanks for reading
love you guys

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