Starbucks Fiasco

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Hyunjin, Aanya, San, and Vi burst into my room screeching entire nonsense. Sighing and putting down my phone from talking to Elsa, I raise my eyebrow and point the look towards San silently asking what they were asking.

"You've never gone to Starbucks?!" She sputters out wide eyed.

"Ok I know there were more questions than that y'all were screaming at me. Is that the most important one currently?" I see nods of affirmation from everyone.

I also notice Hyunjin being the most shocked about the recent information.

"I'm guessing you're going to get me to go with you to Starbucks no matter how?"

"Yeup! Glad you understand," I heard the fake over enthusiasm from both San and Hyunjin.

"ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE! CAW CAW RAWR!!" We all chanted/screeched to the known world our combined one brain cell vibe moto.

"As long as I can take someone with me on my motorcycle, I'm good with coming." I note the slight fear in the experienced and the curiosity with the inexperienced. Hyunjin volunteered and my gals had prayers in their eyes. I nodded and tossed my extra helmet for taller people and snagged my own with my leather jacket going all Kurasuno with the flair.

Ananya told me the location as we headed to the garage and we headed out in our respected rides. My motorcycle was a 2020 Kawasaki Ninja 400 motorcycle with a bronze orange hue for the accents. I had made sure it was a 2 seater for obvious reasons and it seemed like Hyunjin was slightly enjoying it besides the tight grip he had on my waist. I turned on both coms inside the helmets and asked, "How are you enjoying the ride so far?"

"A little terrifying but it's so much fun!" His voice raised at the end and I could tell he really did think this was exhilarating. "How fast can we go?"

Smirking, I instructed him to lean forward (for speed and aerodynamics if anyone thinks otherwise ya ninymuggins) and replied, "Let's find out," and took off. 15 minutes later and huge smiles on our faces, we arrived fashionably late to Starbucks. I leant over to Hyunjin and whispered "Oh how the turn tables."

3rd POV

Everyone turned to the entrance to find out the source of the sound to see 2 extremely attractive people walking in with motorcycle helmets in hand and snickering and giggling like the besties they are. And at that moment, everyone had the combined thought, "God really did say Adam and Eve. Heck/Hell, I would even let them step on our faces and say thank you."

"El, Hyunie! Over here!" Vi waved over the couple (of besties). "Can someone order a non coffee drink for me bc I don't know what to order?" Eli asks the group and brings a couple table over to the booth so no ones super cramped.

"We haven't been squished like this since middle school!" The girls nod and reminisce about older times.

"That's true. The only guys, gals and non-binary pals missing are Z, Leo, and Tay-Ty. However, I'm pretty sure I'm the supportive straightish friend in a gaggle of chaotic gays." Hyunjin questions that sentence so Eli decides to build on said sentence but runs stuff by the others first.

"Who's open or out currently?"

"Everyone but Z." San monotoned while scrolling through Instagram.

Eli nodded and turned to explain to Hyunjin. "Taylor, Vi, and Aanya are lesbians, Leo is trans and gay, San is pan, San, Vi, and Aanya are poly and are dating, and I'm Demi but have so far liked guys." Hyunjin seems surprised so Eli elaborates on her statement. "They're essentially homies and we were all friends before they added the friends with benefits," Eli giggles a little before adding, "It makes for a very fun game night when all of us will use any means necessary to win."

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