Chapter 1: School officially hands out drugs

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*Always Lizzie POV unless told otherwise*

DFW, Texas, United States. 2021

I swear the last few months have been the literal plot to a wattpad fanfiction. So, since no one will take me seriously if I try to tell them, this book is the next best thing to do.

 Hi, I'm Elizabeth Parker and I go by Lizzie unless we're close friends or family. My life was normal, well besides kriffing COVID-19, but that's besides the point. I am here to tell you- well more like you read and I write- how my life turned upside down, traveled the multiverse, and how I ended up as Stray Kids' little maknae sister. It all started the day I was supposed to take the English STAAR test.

----Fast forward to the end of the test because Author is super lazy and my inspiration might leave so MOVING ON----

"If you've already finished, the first dismissal opportunity is now. Leave your borrowed utensils on the desk and thank you for taking the time to come take the English STAAR test. Have a great day." The room monitor says as I grab my bag and phone from the table and book it out of there. As I head towards the front entrance, I try to find Aanya, Vi, or San in the growing crowd of high schoolers. I pull out the phone to the group chat and try to see if they've finished.

Ok who's sane here... honestly

Are any of y'all done?


I ammm


I'm just outside the doors


Ye im outside I'm about to reach



Im done

We just finished





Where are u

Literally outside the door



"Oh my gosh I literally forgot how many 9th graders there are, this actually terrifies me." I say, looking at the gaggle of students in front of the entrance.

"Alright, so I can barely hear my own thoughts, much less our conversation. You guys wanna move to somewhere a little less crowded?" Vi suggests as we lean towards each other, trying to hear each other better. The droning from the crowd gets steadily louder and I wiggle my ears a little bit when a high pitched tone starts.

"Uhh yeah sure. Does anyone else have a slight ringing in their ears or is it just me?" San asks as she fiddles with her ears. I nod and look around seeing both Anya and Vi agreeing with us.

"You might want to cover your ears for a second, I'll get us out of this pickle jar." I say as I prep myself for crowd maneuvering.

Popping my fingers, I hear San say "Thank you overseeing, omnipresent being for giving me and my vertically challenged companions a tall support human who can scare our best front-line-men."

She and the others make a line behind me as I rub my hands together and yell in my commanding ROTC voice "Everybody move!" I slap my hands together to make the crowd breaker, and shuffle-walk my way over to a less crowded spot with my little duckling friends trailing behind. I noticed the others had a dazed look to them that screamed more than sleep deprivation and high school. "Is the ringing getting better for anyone?" I ask with a major concerned look on my face as my older sister instincts show in full force. The ringing was getting both louder and higher and was starting to give me a headache. I didn't get a response other than a grimace from everyone. "Ok, it's not for me either but until you guys are better, I'll ignore mine until it goes away. Here come sit down and I have some pain killer meds for periods, but this is a much bigger emergency." We all sat in a circle and made sure to ask their permission before handing them the amount the bottle said to do. (A/N: Never do this ma reader children. It's literally just for the plot and you can get into serious trouble) The ringing was plenty loud and the headache became a pounding migraine when my vision started to fade from the outside in. 'Well I'm glad we're already sitting down so there won't be any concussions.' I think before I black out.

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