chapter seven

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Taylor knew very well that karlie had only been in one long term relationship. It was with this girl named Toni that everyone around the firm seemed to know. Apparently they met at law school, and dated during a total of 2 years. At least that's what Selena told her once she heard Toni was in a case against one of karlie's clients.

According to her brunette friend, they still saw each other in a romantic style every time they were together, which only happened one or two times a year since the woman lived in Tokyo.

And that was that day. That day, when things finally seemed to start working out between her and karlie, the girl presented herself in front of taylor with a tailored red dress. She looked gorgeous.

After showing Toni karlie's office, she asked for the girl to make herself comfortable and wait a little, having in mind that karlie was a little bit late.

During that cold morning taylor tried to stay calm. She was the one who blocked karlie away, so she couldn't really complain. The best she could do was act normal with the person who was now becoming one of her closest friends.

" How'd the negotiation go? You come out on top?" Taylor joked as soon as Toni stepped out of the building, emphasizing the last part, making Karlie crack a smile
"Why didn't you tell me Toni was opposing counsel?" Karlie asked in a more serious tone, knowing that taylor normally sends her an email with this kind of information.
"I didn't want you to have performance anxiety" taylor nodded while karlie raised her eyebrow "About the case! I heard she's tough."

"You're obvious."

"And your skirt is unzipped"

"No, it isn't." The taller said and rested her arms on the bench, not even looking down to check.

"But it was earlier today". Taylor goes up to a high five, getting nothing but a smirk in return "So you like to stare at my skirt, swift? You can do better."

"Is that what Toni said?" She whispered, making karlie roll her eyes and hand her some papers, asking taylor to type up the deal points after leaving the room.

Later that night she met selena at the coffee shop, promising the girl she was performing that day. And, a few minutes into playing guitar and singing with a sweet voice, taylor presented her new song - Gold Rush. She loved playing her own songs, but didn't do quite that ofter because people didn't seemed to care that much about songs they didn't know the lyrics. Finishing her set with a acoustic version of crazy in love, by Beyoncé, she made the crowds go wild - or at least got two little girls dressed up as princess to get on the stage and dance to it.

"What's with you and karlie?" Selena asked as soon as taylor sat on their table.


"Your song, gold rush. The lyrics are totally about your sexy boss"

"Nothing is happening between me and karlie, Selena"

"But do you want it to?"

"I- Look, they're calling your name, it must be our drinks"  the blond pointed out, shivers rolling down her whole body. Did she want it? Was she willing to ruin her workplace by saying yes and going ahead? What if it didn't work out? She would be jobless and with her heart broken, again

The thing is, destiny wasn't joking when he said taylor should be with karlie. In fact, at that exact moment the girl casually stepped into the cafeteria looking for taylor.

"Hey, Jack said you might be here" karlie nodded, pulling a chair.

"Tay, i kinda accidentally dropped your coffee, but you can have mine no worries-" Selena was getting closer, but as soon as she saw karlie the other drink was also almost instantly on the floor, making a mess "oh, karlie, hi. Sorry for that i- hm"

"Hey, Selena right? Didn't know you guys were friends" karlie giggled, making the brunette blush with embarrassment. "Well, I'm actually here because i wanted to invite you for the annual charity event of the firm? Like, my plus one and all" her hands were now sweating, green eyes looking directly into blue, waiting impatiently for an answer. She seemed nervous, thing that taylor had never seen before.

"Of course she's going!" Selena said, breaking the weird silence. "Selena I-"

"No, no excuses, you're going. She's going, Karlie. You can put her name on the list." The brunette was determined, affirming that the blond needed to have some fun.

Karlie smiled from ear to ear, a relieve expression paired. She was genuinely happy, and didn't even quite know why. Yes, sure, taylor was going to the party with her, but she already invited so many girls to so many events... though none of them ever gave karlie that amount of butterflies.

"I- I will go now, don't wanna ruin your evening by bothering you two" The taller smiled, getting up and turning around "I'll send you all the information about the party, swift" after winking to taylor with a smirk, she was now gone.

"I can't believe karlie elizabeth kloss has a crush on you, that's like a event in a lifetime" selena was giggling, looking at her friend's red cheeks

"Stop with the madness, woman!"

"And the coastal town, we wandered 'round had never seen a love as pure as it" the brunette hummed in a happy tone "i definitely never saw a love as pure as this, taylor. Specifically comming from karlie... and I know you also like her. Like, a lot. I can see heart shapes on your eyes when she talks to you. Don't let this go to waste, please."


quite a small chapter, but I'm traveling rn so yeah, kinda having no time to write. I'll be back soon, though. Thanks for the support ❤️

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