chapter five

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"Hey, Swift. Please come to my office" karlie said while pressing a little red button that leaded the message straight to taylor's desk.

After some seconds, the door opened, reveling a smiling and well dressed taylor swift. She had a navy dress with long sleeves, some rings and necklaces, a red high heel and, the most important for karlie, a lipstick matching her shoes.

"Love your lipstick"

"I bet you do" she rolled her eyes, closing the door behind her. "I ran out of lipstick, can you please kiss me so my lips are also red?" Karlie said, pouting.

"If you're gonna flirt with me at least get your facts right, this would only make us look like clowns with smudged makeup on our faces"

"I don't mind that at all!"

"Do you wanna hear what happened or not, Kloss?"

"Fine, I'll shut up" karlie said as if she was a little kid, making taylor smile upon sitting on the comfortable chair. "But don't save any details! I wanna hear everything."

"Ok, well, how do I start? You never liked her in the first place, every time she entered your office you got all moody and stressed and for that I never hit it off that well with her either. I don't know, I hate to say it but i kinda trust your instincts, you didn't got where you are right now because you're lucky"

"Aaawn babe, you found out a way to fire her because of me?? That's lovely! Now, kiss me when?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Kloss." Taylor exclaimed, blushing "One day I was at the elevator and I heard she talking with some guy named Justin over the phone, it seemed kinda familiar for me, even though I didn't remember where i heard that name. It was a normal name, so i just assumed it could be anyone. Nevertheless, some time later i was reading some files and there he was, justin bieber, the lazy guy who works for Scott Borchetta. He's currently in the trial against Blake and Ryan..."

"Justin? Ugh, I hate that guy. Who the fuck goes to work with a hoodie and baggy pants?" Karlie rolled her eyes, remembering him.

"Right???" Taylor nodded, smiling. A comfortable silence paired for some seconds, the two blondes starring at each other. The blue eyed girl decided to break the eye contact and continue her story, catching Karlie's attention.

"Anyway, because I was curious, me and my friend Selena kinda sneaked into Dianna's office at lunch break to see if we could find anything interesting. I know this is not the right thing to do, but i must admit it was pretty fun. We found her laptop opened, not our fault that she's not careful. There was indeed some emails from justin! The bieber itself! They weren't sharing any information by email, but it had tons of 'when can we meet' and stuff. Pretty gross, right??! He probably smells like old cheese. Then in one of the drawers we found this big envelope filled with money and a address on the back - I felt like i was in a fucking Hollywood movie! We followed it, of course, and ended up leading us to Borchetta's law firm. So we immediately called Gigi and the rest is history. She hired some professional people to figure it all up, then called me saying 'thanks for everything', it was cute"

"Wow, you talk really fast, lady." Karlie said, amazed "you could be a rapper! A rapper that grew up extremely beautiful. I imagine what that must feel like...T-Swizzle, i would stan".

"Sure, if you want a rapper who sings about baking cookies, avoiding clubs and getting cat scratches, we could make it work" taylor joked, getting up "now I have stuff to do. Excuse me, kloss"

They shared a polite smile before the shorter turned away, leaving the room. Karlie wasn't so bad, after all. In fact, apart of all the flirting - that taylor assumed was part of her personality or some bulshit like that - she was amazing.

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