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"Come on~," Oikawa whined dragging his three best friends towards the forest.

The quadruple's youngest, Oikawa, had just turned 7 meaning they were able to go a little further away from their small town.

The young boy was ecstatic to find out what lay outside of the small town. Oikawa had gripped onto Hanamaki's hand dragging him along.

Oikawa had brown hair that swept to the sides, his eyes were a beautiful brown with a sparkle of life in them.

Hanamaki had pale pink hair and soft green eyes which, unlike Oikawa's, were darting around cautiously.

Matsukawa had fluffy black hair that found its way to point in every direction, his eyes were dark brown and they had an unreadable expression plastered onto them.

Iwaizumi had dark brown hair that was spiked upwards, his eyes were a soft olive with a light of adventure.

"Oikawa! No, we aren't allowed in there," the pink-haired male whined.

"There's no stopping him," Iwaizumi sighed, patting Hanamaki's back.

Matsukawa nodded joining Iwaizumi in patting the dejected male's back.

"It will be fun, don't worry we have scary Iwaizumi to stop anything from doing anything," Oikawa reassured Hanamaki.

Hanamaki noded before he moved to walk closer to Iwazumi.

"I don't know if I should feel offended or not," Iwaizumi muttered, stopping walking in the process.

"Best guess says you should feel fine cause if you don't Hanamaki might just pee his pants," Matsukawa joked.

"I will not!" Hanamaki snaped.

"Will too," Matsukawa teased.

"Will not."

"Will too."

"I agree with-"

"Where's Oikawa?" Hanamaki asked, cutting Iwaizumi off.

Hanamakki's eyes were wide in concern.

"We have too-"

Iwaizumi was cut off by a high pitched squeal, "We have to find him!" Matsukawa had snapped, before leading a run.

The trio started to sprint towards the area the squeal seemed to come from. They ran into a small clearing of trees.

"Oikawa!" Hanamaki screamed, before lunging towards the young boy who was sitting in front of some weird rock things.

The rocks confused Iwaizumi and Matsukawa because they couldn't figure out what they were.

"Why did you leave us?" Iwaizumi snaped, lightly tapping the back of Oikawa's head.

"If I didn't we wouldn't have found these," Oikawa's voice was high pitched with excitement.

"What are they?" Matsukawa asked, tilting his head to the side.

Oikawa turned to them, rubbing the back of the panicked pink-haired male who was gripping onto him tightly.

"They're pokemon eggs," Oikawa giggled, "And there are four. We can have one each."

"Wait so these are what pokemon eggs look like?" Hanamaki asked, staring at the eggs.

"Yep they look exactly like the ones in the book I found," Oikawa answered, "I call dibs on this one," Oikawa smiled, before grabbing an egg and moving away. Hanamaki quickly grabbed one and moved to rest on Oikawa's shoulder. Matsukawa and Iwaizumi look each other in the eye before moving towards the remaining two eggs. They each picked one up and sat down to the sides of the two boys.

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