Would It Be Better?

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Mikey gripped the fabric of his shirt. His teeth clenched, trying to withstand the tears from falling. His heart hurt as he tried to form the words he was about to say.

"Hey Kenchin, it's been on my mind lately...but would it be better if we never met?"


Mikey stepped foot inside the hospital ground. His footsteps grew heavier the closer he was to his destination. He can't bear to face him after everything that happened. After all, it was his fault in the first place. Because of him, his best friend almost died a second time. It's already been a month and he's still unconscious. He never visited him, not even once because he was afraid. Afraid to face the other Toman members who also visited in the past weeks, afraid to look at his friends, afraid to see the one person who still never gave up on him despite everything he had done to him. He was afraid.

However, Takemitchy assured him it was alright. He's safe. We just need to wait for him to wake up. Everything's over. He doesn't have to worry about anything anymore. His friends are with him to keep him grounded. Everyone forgave him.

He was deep in thoughts he didn't realise he was already in front of the room. Thanks to Koko and Inupi's persuasion, they managed to move him into a single room to allow more privacy for the patient and his visitors. He looked at the door in dismay and heaved deep breaths. He made sure to knock before entering the room. Here goes.

Upon entering, he was greeted by Takemichi, who coincidentally visited. He was sitting on a stool beside the bed. The room was filled with gifts and get well soon cards from their friends. Mikey was a bit concerned because he didn't bring anything for him. Should he? He didn't know.

"You're here." Takemichi waved. Hina was beside him, smiling in response. She was arranging a small bouquet of flowers inside a vase but stopped and waved him hello.

Mikey looked around the room. "It's a bit overwhelming seeing all of this when I didn't bring anything."

Takemichi glanced at all the gifts but he just smiled. "Your presence is a gift itself, Mikey-kun. I'm sure he'll appreciate it."


Mikey walked towards the bed. He now saw a clearer view of his best friend. Draken's face was covered with an oxygen mask, his arms filled with various wires he couldn't identify. One of them is attached to a heart monitor and one is attached to a saline solution. It looks awful.

"What did they say?" Mikey asked without even looking at Takemichi, his eyes fixated on the sight in front of him. He only learned bits about the incident. He knew Kenchin was shot but he never knew the severity of it.

"He lost too much blood during the incident. They managed to do an emergency blood transfusion and spare his life but... as you can see..." Takemichi explained solemnly. "They had no idea when he would wake up...or if he'll ever wake up."

"I see." Mikey looked at the heart monitor. His heart rate seems normal from what he can see but then again, he's no doctor. He looked back at Draken. Despite all the awful medical equipment attached to his body, his face looks peaceful to him.

"Don't worry Mikey-kun. I believe he'll wake up soon." Hina smiled in reassurance. She just finished arranging the flowers and put them near the windows, giving them tiny bits of life into the room. Mikey was grateful for it.

"Yeah. Thanks, Hina-chan." He offered a small smile.

Takemichi stood up from his seat and stretched. "I guess we should get going. I believe you have a lot to talk about, right? Let's go, Hina."

TOKYO REVENGERS (MIKEY X DRAKEN) ONE-SHOTS (ANGST)Where stories live. Discover now