Just A Dream

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Mikey felt his mouth dry as he looked at him. He thought it was Shinichiro at first. Those black eyes, those black hair, that face, it's almost an exact copy of his brother.

Almost that is.

Mikey could feel something ominous emanating from him that he couldn't pinpoint. Something about his eyes looks different. It's dark and empty with no hints of empathy or kindness that his brother possessed. This is not his brother.


Mikey met his future Manila self

A/N: I have many WIPs on this pairing and I barely finish any of it. sigh...


Mikey opened his eyes to the blazing sun. His vision blurred as he tried to adjust his eyesights. The rays went straight into his eyes and he had to move his position to avoid it. His body almost collided with broken shards of glass scattered around him as he did so. Where is he?

He rose up, looking around. He did not recognize this place. He knew he'd never been here before. The place was surrounded by mountains of rubbles. The ceilings had fallen. The surrounding walls are standing but broken. Grass covered the cracks that's once cement floors. It looks abandoned, as if no one had been there for ages. Why is he here? Where did he come from?

He looked down on his body. He was wearing his Toman's uniform. But why? There's no one aside from him. His friends are not here with him nor any member of Toman lurking between the rubbles.

Tired of trying to figure out what's going on, he walked around. He hoped to find his bike parked somewhere so he could drive away from this place and assess where he is. However, there's nothing he could see as far as his eyes could tell, just piles of dust and fallen buildings.

After a few minutes walking, he noticed something strange. While he knew he never stepped foot in this place, he somehow felt like he's seen this place before or at least heard about this from someone he knew? Who did he hear it from?

When he thought he was alone in this mysterious place, he saw a figure sitting on top of one pile of rubble. At first, he thought it was a shadow, but the closer he walked towards it, he was certain it was human. His face was covered by his hair and his back was facing him so he couldn't see who the person was. Alas, it is no doubt a person.

"Hey, who are you?"

The figure seemed to notice his presence but he didn't make an effort to acknowledge him nor move from his spot. Mikey called out again but the figure just tilted his head, implying he'd been heard but again making no effort to even greet his intruder. Mikey grumbles but walks around him, carefully making sure he didn't trip and fall from all the debris around.

Once he was in front of him, Mikey looked up to the person, the other replied the same by looking down at him on top of the rubbles.

Mikey felt his mouth dry as he looked at him. He thought it was Shinichiro at first. Those black eyes, those black hair, that face, it's almost an exact copy of his brother.

Almost that is.

Mikey could feel something ominous emanating from him that he couldn't pinpoint. Something about his eyes looks different. It's dark and empty with no hints of empathy or kindness that his brother possessed. This is not his brother.

"Who are you?" Mikey asks again.

Instead of ignoring him again, the person finally spoke. "Who do you think I might be?"

TOKYO REVENGERS (MIKEY X DRAKEN) ONE-SHOTS (ANGST)Where stories live. Discover now