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You felt like the air in your throat was constricting, choking you. But there was nothing there. Nothing apart from your own anxiety.   

The blood pounded in your ears. Your heart thudded in your chest. Your hands shook. Your feet tingled. Your vision disfigured as if you were looking through a fish-eye lens. You had to get away. You couldn’t stay near that damned throne room any longer. You couldn’t look at it. There was too much of a risk of someone walking out of it and noticing you.

You took a long, slow deep breath, then rounded the corner out of sight. There. They wouldn’t know you were there. They wouldn’t follow you. You were out of sight. That was all that mattered.

Your hands wrapped into fists, squeezing so tightly that your nails dug into your palms. Breathing was hard. Really hard. As if you'd just run a marathon.

But most of all, your skin burned. The contact with water caused it to sizzle and sear, creating thin clouds of smoke to erupt from your face.

You cried harder, your chest growing tight as bile rose in your throat. You began to run. Run straight for the library. Your personal library. You only hoped Technoblade wouldn't be there: you didn't need yet another person to see you in such a vulnerable state. You'd rather deal with this yourself.

Your legs quickened their pace as you raced yourself through the library, straight to the makeshift door leading your private one. Within a few seconds, you had pulled the correct book, walked through the door and shut it behind you.

Without much thought you strode to a leather sofa and collapsed onto it, your hands pulling at your anger as all your emotions came out at once. You had always been so good at keeping your emotions out and having a poker face but that always meant that after a few months you would have some sort of emotional overwhelment.

You sat on the sofa, shaking as tears erupted from your eyes for a few seconds before you heard the entry door open, causing you to immediately jump up, sword in hand. You stared at the door, your vision slightly blurred but you didn't dare make a move.

First, you thought someone accidentally opened the door and didn't realise but when the door began to slowly push open, you knew that wasn't the case. Your sword stood in front of you, your hand firmly gripping the handle as you prepared for the fight.

But then you saw the person. Technoblade. What in gods name was he doing here. You stood frozen, your sword still held high, not moving an inch. Technoblade noticed this and very slowly crept into the room, shutting the door behind him before gently raising his hands in the air to show he was unarmed, apart from the sword that sat at his waist.

"I saw you rush through the library while I was sat reading. Saw you were crying so I've come to check on you. I can leave, if you'd like" he explained. You watched him, slight irritation growing in you since you couldn't read his emotions thanks to his stupid mask. He seemed to realise this and slowly moved his hands behind his head, unclipping the mask and placing it on a table nearby him.

Now you could see his face, you read the emotion that sat on it. Sincerity. Honesty. Sympathy.

With tears still rolling from your eyes, you lowered the sword before sliding it back in its scabbard. You scanned the Pigman that stood before you, searching for any reason to kick him out of the room but you couldn't find one, so you groaned before collapsing back against the sofa.

"I'm fine" you sighed, raising a hand to run your temples, trying to relieve the headache you had gained from the anxiety attack you had.

"You don't seem it" Techno added, raising an eyebrow. You didn't dare look him in the eyes. If he looked into your eyes, he would see the pain and suffering you had been hiding for the last few months, including all the stress you've been under for the last few weeks.

"Just been a little stressed, you know, with a war around the corner and all" you answered. Your eyes stuck to the ground as the pain in your head increased, causing the majority of your senses to cease to function and fail to alert you that Technoblade was walking across the room. You only noticed when he kneeled down in front of you, now staring directly into your eyes.

"I think we both know that's bullshit" he whispered, gently placing a hand on your chin and lifting your face so he could see you better, causing your hand to fall off your forehead. The shock of him swearing distracted you for a second before your mind went back to its confused and pained state.

The two of you stared into the eyes of each other for a moment before you felt tears burning your face again. Instantly, Technoblade flew forward, his arms wrapping around you, allowing your head to fall to the soft cloak on his shoulder as you cried.

You cried for what felt like hours, Technoblade never leaving your side. At some point, he had begun stroking your hair, helping yourself calm down and collect yourself. However, after years of having no physical contact with anyone had caused your body to relax far more than necessary.

In the end, you fell asleep in the hybrids arms, thankfully, in the privacy of your personal library. 

Bloodshed [ Technoblade x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now