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A few hours later and you continued to stand in the same corner with Technoblade and Aegeus, the three of you loudly laughing as you told each other old stories. The music had kicked up and was now louder and far more fast pace, causing an array of people to attempt a dance in the centre of the room, all of them stumbling over each other in their drunken haze. Your father circling the room, staring and judging as he plastered a fake smile upon his face. Every few moments, his eyes would flicker towards you and a tight grimace would grow on his face as he saw you, completely and utterly drunk, laughing with the two Pigmen.

Of course, due to your genetics, the intoxicated state didn't last long but that only encouraged you to drink more. Aegeus and Technoblade had even secretly created a bet, counting how many glasses you would manage to drink before the party was over. So far, both had incredibly underestimated how much they thought you would drink.

However, even with the company of the Pigman and the constant swing of the party, you were beginning to get incredibly bored. You were constantly fidgeting, trying to find something to do whilst talking to the men, trying to think of yet another topic to speak about. You were also simultaneously trying to not seem so awkward and desperate around Technoblade, since, after all, he had asked you to accompany him at the gala yet still has managed to ask you to dance. In fact, the only men asking you to dance was the drunken fools who thought they might have a shot at bedding you, all of which you very gladly rejected.

Aegeus seemed to notice your restlessness and quickly decided to fix it, in his own way.

"Technoblade! Get me a drink, would you?" Aegeus announced midway through one of Technoblade's stories.

Technoblade simply narrowed his eyes at his friend before huffing and letting out a range of mumbles that were most certainly obscene as he made his way to the drinks. As soon as the Piglin was out of earshot, Aegeus grabbed your shoulders and turned you to face him fully.

"I have a plan" he simply stated, a  self-assured smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh great, what does this plan entail and do I have to be a part of it?" You questioned, an eyebrow raising in a quizzical fashion.

Aegeus pat your forearm before turning you back to how you were standing previously. "Yes, you have to be a part of it, but all you need to do is say yes and do as I say, ok? Great!"

Right as Aegeus finished his excuse of an explanation, Technoblade returned to you with three flute glasses, expertly held in his hands, once of which he offered to you and you took gladly. You watched as Aegeus grabbed his glass and downed the thing in one go before placing the glass on the windowsill beside him.

Aegeus clapped his hands together and turned to look at you. "Y/n, my dear, would you care to dance?" He questioned, lifting a hand out to you.

You were about to burst out laughing and reject him like the many other men from the night when you remembered the conversation you had only a few seconds ago. In response, you looked at him with a face that feigned impression and curiosity.

"Why, Aegeus, I would love to" you responded, placing your hand in Aegeus' as he led you towards the ballroom. You turned back to look at Technoblade and noticed his clearly confused expression as you sent him a quick look that said 'I have no idea'.

On your way to the dance floor, you downed your drink and placed it upon a tray of a servant who had been walking past you, their eyes widening as they saw you were about to dance with someone. It was common knowledge within the castle that you refused to dance with anyone, though no one knew why. But of course you did. You did it to save yourself the heartbreak you felt last time. Last time. The last time you danced with someone, the pair of you had really hit it off by sharing a type of humour, having similar interests and dislikes. It felt like you had met your match. And then not even 24 hours later, they had been killed by a ghast explosion in the middle of a battle. You had mourned their death for over a decade and you still refused to dance with anyone. Until now.

Bloodshed [ Technoblade x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now